De Lux - Better At Making Time Chord Progression - G - F - Bb - C Verse Bass Line (octaves of the chord progression) G--------------------------------------------------| D-5-(x5)-----3-(x5)-------8-(x5)-------10-(x5)-----| A--------------------------------------------------| E--------3~----------1~----------6------------8~---| played repeatedly 1. e-13-- b-11-- G----- D----- A----- E----- 2. e--6/////-8~~~ b--8/////-8~~~ G--7/////-7~~~ D-------------| A-------------| E-------------| Lead Line with notes above Keys F-G-Bb~C-Bb-G-G-Bb-G __________________________ e-----6~-8-6-----6-------| b-6-8--------8-8---8-----| G------------------------| D------------------------| A------------------------| E------------------------| Keys F-G-Bb~~~~D-C-Bb-C-Bb-G-G __________________________ e-----6~-8s10-8-6-8p6--------| b-6-8-----------------8-8~~~-| G----------------------------| D----------------------------| A----------------------------| E----------------------------| Lyrics- We're better at making time pass from one to the other there's nothing that we'll ever find hard until we get in each other's ways We're better at making love when when its one to the other There's nothing that we disagree on It's just something we don't talk about (Lead line stops) So take your things and burn our times I don't want you to forget why So take your pennies, take your change I don't want you to forget why (cowbell) (lead resumes) We're better at making time pass from one to the other there's nothing that we'll ever find hard until we get in each other's ways Synth Break Down - Same chords Keys & Bass G-F-Bb-C (Kill-F-Bb) Break down Guitar 1. e----------------------------------| b----------------------------------| G----3h5---------------------------| D-3h5---h5p3h5h5---(silent)--------| A----------------------------------| E----------------------------------| 2. e-----6-8--------------6-8---------| b-6-8------6-8-8---6-8------6-8-8--| G----------------------------------| D----------------------------------| A----------------------------------| E----------------------------------| (F Bb back) I wanna say, I'm doing great But theres something wrong, something wrong 1.Keys --------------------------------------| F-G-F-G G-F-G-F C-D-C-D-D- C-D-C-G e-------------------------------------| b-6-8-6-8~-8-6-8-6~-------------------| G------------------5-7-5-7~7~-5-7-5-0-| D-------------------------------------| A-------------------------------------| E-------------------------------------| Oh when your in love, you better make sure youre spending time, or making time There's spomething great, in the way you make it seem like we're doing great 1.Keys F-G-G-Bb-G-F 1. e------6-----| repeated b-6-8-8--8-6-| G------------| D------------| A------------| E------------| Better at making.... tiiiimmmmee... pass