NOT A DAY GOES BY / LONESTAR (from the album, "I'm already there"). NOTE: the astericks designate a couple of chords I don't know the names of. (*) the single asterick designates a chord played just like the D chord except, drop the bottom finger from the E string. (**) the double asterick designates a chord played just like the Em chord except, drop the bottom finger from the D string. (INTRO) (*) (D) (Em)(**) (C)(D) .......(*) (D) (Em)(**) (C)(D) (VERSE 1) (G) (D) (Em) (**) GOT A PICTURE OF YOU I CARRY IN MY HEART (C) (G) (D) CLOSE MY EYES TO SEE YOU WHEN THE WORLD GETS DARK (G) (D) (Em) (**) GOT A MEMORY OF YOU I CARRY IN MY SOUL (C) (G) (D) I WRAP IT CLOSE AROUND ME WHEN THE NIGHTS GET COLD (C) (G) (C) AND IF YOU ASKED ME HOW I'M DOIN' I'LD SAY JUST FINE (G) (D) BUT THE TRUTH IS BABY IF YOU COULD READ MY MIND (CHORUS) (*)(D)(Em) (**)(C) (D) NOT A DAY GOES BY THAT I DON'T THINK OF YOU (*)(D) (Em)(**) (C) (D) AFTER ALL THIS TIME YOU'RE STILL WITH ME IT'S TRUE (C) (G) (C) SOMEHOW YOU REMAIN LOCKED SO DEEP INSIDE (Fm) (Am)(Dm) (Em)(**)(C))(D) BABY, BABY, OH BABY NOT A DAY GOES BY (VERSE 2) (G) (D) (Em) (**) I STILL WAIT FOR THE PHONE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT (C) (G) (D) THINKIN' YOU MIGHT CALL ME IF YOUR DREAMS DON'T TURN OUT RIGHT (G) (D) (Em) (**) AND IT STILL AMAZES ME THAT I LIE HERE IN THE DARK (C) (G) (D) WISHIN' YOU WERE NEXT TO ME WITH YOUR HEAD AGAINST MY HEART (C) (G) (C) IF YOU ASKED ME HOW I'M DOIN' I'LD SAY JUST FINE (G) (D) BUT THE TRUTH IS BABY IF YOU COULD READ MY MIND (REPEAT CHORUS) (BRIDGE) (D) (G) (C) MINUTES TURN TO HOURS AND THE HOURS TO DAYS (D) (C) (D) SEEMS IT'S BEEN FOREVER THAT I FELT THIS WAY (REPEAT CHORUS) (ENDING) (D) (Dm) (C) THAT I DON'T THINK OF YOU