Verse (dont play 6s where the guys from MCS shout "Hangs Out Front!") G---------------------| D---------------------| A---------------------| E--11111111-3333-6666-| Pre-Chorus G------------------| D------------------| A--3333-1111-------| E------------66666-| Chorus G-----------------------------| D-----------------------------| A-----------------------------| E--66666666-44444444-33333333-| !Play Verse Again! Post Verse G------------------| D------------------| A--3333-1/3--44444-| E------------------| !Play that verse again! (Again dont play 6s when they shout "Stars and Stripes" < quite the most kick a** part of the song) !Pre-Chorus again! !Chorus again (im too lazy to type it all out again, just be thankfull there are finally MCS bass tabs about ;)! !Post Verse! Bridge Part 1 G---------------------------| D---------------------------| A---------33333333----------| E--1~-6~-----------33333333-| Bridge Part 2 G--------------------------| D--------------------------| A---------33-33------------| E--1~-6~--------33-33------| !verse Again! !Post Verse to finish! please rate :)