Hey, here are some really good fills if you’re a double bass player or if you have a double bass pedal. Enjoy! KEY: t1 // tom 1 ft // floor tom sd // snare drum bd // bass drum Cc // crash cymbal 1. here is an easy one to start with. sd|oo----oooo----oo| bd|--oooo----oooo--| 2. lets move it ‘round the kit t1|------oooo------| ft|--------------oo| sd|oo--------------| bd|--oooo----oooo--| 3. same fill, different way… t1|--------------oo| ft|------oooo------| sd|oo--------------| bd|--oooo----oooo--| 4. here is prolly one of the easiest fills ever for DB. t1|--------oo------| ft|------------oo--| sd|oo--oo----------| bd|--oo--oo--oo--oo| 5. Okay, here is a pattern which leads to a fill. (HARD) cc|x-x-x-x-----------------| t1|------------oooo--------| ft|------------------oooo--| sd|----o---oo--------------| bd|o-oo--oo--oo----oo----oo| ……|1e&a2e&a3 e & a 4 e & a | tabbed by Max D