New Polution by Beck ------------- NOTE: Mr.Waronker has two bass drums on his set and one sounds muffled and the other one gives more of a ring, so if u want it to sound right u should probably take the pillow out of your bass drum. I also made some of the measures not exactly a whole 16 notes to make the tabbing easier.A little trick is the bass notes are always write with the Flam and write with the 2nd Floor Tom.There are some Ad-Lib wind chimes at the end but i didn't tab them out because most people don't have them and u can barely hear them. There is also a tambourine shake happening. ---- KEY ---- SD= Snare Drum (F=Flam) FT= Floor Tom BD= Bass Drum ______________________________________________________________________ repeat 54 times repeat 38 times ____________ ____________ / / SD o-o-Fo-o-o----|o-Fo-o-o----|----------------|o-Fo-o-o----| FT ----------o-o-|--------o-o-|----------------|--------o-o-| BD ----o-------o-|--o-------o-|----------------|--o-------o-| THE END