Band: Eminem Song: Kids, The Drummer: unKnown Tabber: JrMetallica This is the easiest one yet, well sumtimes its confusin'. Play this rap beat throughout the whole song. HH |x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-| Sn |--o-------o-----| Bd |------o-o---o-o-| At the end, the have this clappin things, well when that comes up i just use the rim of the snare and i added a bass bcoz it well sound borin' wit out it. Goes like this; NOTE: MAKE THE BASS A SOFT KICK, NOT TOO LOUD OR NOT TOO SOFT SR|r---r---r---r---r| Bd|-oo--oo--oo--oo--| until the clappin is finished 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 1