Ok so heres some stuff that my mate gave me to learn. They are really easy and can be used to learn timing. They should be played at 100bmp until your comfotable with them and knock the bpm up then.They work well as warm up exercises. They were orginaly noted not tab so it is good for rests and learning note speeds so i've put the speed above it. H= Half q= Quater e= Eighth X= Any note speed x.= Note dote Xr= Note Rest The way to these is to play them alternating hands/feet and then play them using one limb at a time Set 1 The first set of these are in 4/4 Timing e e e e e e q e e e e q e e qr e e e e e e e e e e e e qr SD|o-o-o-o-o-o-o---|o-o-o-o-o---o-o-|----o-o-o-o-o-o-|o-o-o-o-o-o-----| 1e+a2e+a3e+a4e+a 1e+a2e+a3e+a4e+a 1e+a2e+a3e+a4e+a 1e+a2e+a3e+a4e+a e e e ere e e er ere ere ere ere e e e e ere ere e e ere ere e e SD|o-o-o---o-o-o---|--o---o---o---o-|o-o-o-o---o---o-|o-o---o---o-o-o-| 1e+a2e+a3e+a4e+a 1e+a2e+a3e+a4e+a 1e+a2e+a3e+a4e+a 1e+a2e+a3e+a4e+a e e e ere ere e e e ere ere e e e e e erere e e ere e e ere ere SD|o-o-o---o---o-o-|o-o---o---o-o-o-|o-o-o-----o-o-o-|--o-o-o---o---o-| 1e+a2e+a3e+a4e+a 1e+a2e+a3e+a4e+a 1e+a2e+a3e+a4e+a 1e+a2e+a3e+a4e+a q. e q q qr q q. e q q e q. q qr e q. SD|o-----o-o---o---|----o---o-----o-|o---o-----o-o---|o-------o-o-----| 1e+a2e+a3e+a4e+a 1e+a2e+a3e+a4e+a 1e+a2e+a3e+a4e+a 1e+a2e+a3e+a4e+a Set 2 This second set is in 3/4 timing q q e e q e e q q. e q qr e e q SD|o---o---o-o-|o---o-o-o---|o-----o-o---|----o-o-o---| 1e+a2e+a3e+a 1e+a2e+a3e+a 1e+a2e+a3e+a 1e+a2e+a3e+a h e e e ere ere er e e q ere h. SD|o-------o-o-|o---o---o---|o-o-o-----o-|o-----------| 1e+a2e+a3e+a 1e+a2e+a3e+a 1e+a2e+a3e+a 1e+a2e+a3e+a Set 3 This one's in 2/4 timing q e e e e q q. e e q. SD|o---o-o-|o-o-o---|o-----o-|o-o-----| 1e+a2e+a 1e+a2e+a 1e+a2e+a 1e+a2e+a e ere er ere ere e e ere h SD|o---o---|--o---o-|o-o---o-|o-------| 1e+a2e+a 1e+a2e+a 1e+a2e+a 1e+a2e+a