d-tune your bass as much as it pains me this tab is an insult to bass intro/with drums )---------- )---------- )---------- )-7-5-3-1-0 chorus )-------- )-------- )-------- )-0-7-6-5 pre-verse )-------- )-------- )-------- )-0-7-6-5 verse )-------- )-------- )-------- )-0-7-6-5 chorus )-------- )-------- )-------- )-0-7-6-5 pre-verse )-------- )-------- )-------- )-0-7-6-5 verse )-------- )-------- )-------- )-0-7-6-5 chorus )-------- )-------- )-------- )-0-7-6-5 bridge i sit my dyslight room no lights no music JUST ANGER )-------------------------------------------------------------- )-------------------------------------------------------------- )-------------------------------------------------------------- )1----1-0-----------------1----------1-0---------1----------1-0 im away forever but im felling better )-------------------------------------- )-------------------------------------- )-------------------------------------- )---------------1---------------------- what do i feel what do i say *** you and all go's away )---------------------------------------------------------- )----(carry on doin this till the last few times)---------- )----(count how many times he says this sentence)---------- )-1--1-0--1--1-0--1--1-0--1--1-0--1--1-0--1--1-0--1--1-0--1 Bass pause's dureing the guitars palm mute as he realeses it start )-------- )-------- )-------- )-0-7-6-5