Song Info: Taking Back Sunday - Where You Want To Be “One - Eighty By Summer” TBS is a 2 guitar band, and man they kick ass.. but I’m One person, so I TABBED THIS FOR ONE PERSON. INTRO e|---------------------------------| B|-77777778-7777778-3333335-5555333| G|-00000000-0000000-0000000-0000000| D|-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx| A|-77777777-5555555-3333333-3333333| 4x E|---------------------------------| e|-----------------------------| B|-77777778-7777778-3333335-33~| G|-00000000-0000000-0000000-00~| D|-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx-xx~| A|-77777777-5555555-3333333-33~| last time [1x] E|-----------------------------| VERSE e|-----3~~~----3~~~----3-----------| B|-----0~~~----0~~~----0-------3---| < you can PM the bottom note [A-3 , D-2, A-2, A-3 G|-----0~~~----x-------0~~~----0~~~| - a few times after each chord until the D|-----x---2-2-2~~~----x-------x---| - next chord , just an effect > A|-3-3-3~~~--------2-2-2~~~3-3-3~~~|2x E|---------------------------------| pm . . . . . . . e|-3-3-2-------------| B|-0-0-0-333333333333| < each chord is played 12x each - G|-0-x-0-000000000000| - the last one is 12x but it a build up > D|-x-2-x-xxxxxxxxxxxx| A|-3-x-2-333333333333|1x E|-------------------| PM ^^^^^ [...........]