D5 Suddenly I am alone, G5 Oh, my God, where did I go? B5 Suddenly I'm missing home, A5 Can you hear me...? D5 Get me bottle in the sea, G5 'Cause it would mean a lot to me, B5 If you could come and help me out, A5 Can you hear me...? fis Can you hear me? G5 'Cause I hope, A5 fis You're not too long... G5 Can you help me...? D5 Barely holding on, G5 This is not the way it's meant to be... D5 Barely holding on, G5 Hoping that someone would grab me... B5 Barely holding on, A5 G5 There's gotta' be a safer day to run, G5 So when's it gonna' come...?