Intro: F5 Bb5 G#5 C#5 F5 Bb5 G#5 i am sen ther om one F5 Bb5 G#5 C#5 omm ther of im F5 Bb5 G#5 C#5 there is the on lom... F5 Bb5 G#5 C#5 are now all end F5 Bb5 G#5 C#5 sind now all and F5 Bb5 G#5 C#5 all now vam and F5 Bb5 G#5 C#5 spirint san... nem em saim F5 Bb5 G#5 C#5 eii vom luxom im arley Solo: F5 Bb5 G#5 C#5 seno onpin senen in the on fiere the on fiere F5 Bb5 G#5 C#5 the on fiere the on fiere