Intro.: G5 D5 C5 G5 D5 C5 G5 D5 G5 If I could have a beer with Jesus, G5 D5 G5 Heaven knows I'd sip it nice and slow C5 D5 G5 I'd try to pick a place that ain't too crowded C5 D5 or gladly go wherever he wants to go G5 D5 G5 You can bet I'd order up a couple tall ones G5 D5 G5 and tell the waitress put 'em on my tab C5 D5 G5 I'd be sure to let him do the talkin' C5 D5 careful when I got the chance to ask C5 D5 G5 how'd you turn the other cheek C5 D5 G5 To save a sorry soul like me C5 Do you hear the prayers I send what happens when life ends A5 C5 D5 And when you think you're comin' back again C5 D5 G5 D5 C5 I'd tell everyone, but no one would believe it C5 D5 G5 If I could have a beer with Jesus G5 D5 C5 G5 D5 C5 G5 D5 G5 If I could have a beer with Jesus, G5 D5 G5 I'd put my whole paycheck in that jukebox C5 D5 G5 I'd fill it up with nothing but the good stuff, C5 D5 sit somewhere we couldn't see a clock C5 D5 G5 Ask him how'd you turn the other cheek C5 D5 G5 To save a sorry soul like me C5 Have you been there from the start, C5 how'd you change a sinner's heart A5 D5 And is heaven really just beyond the stars C5 D5 G5 D5 C5 I'd tell everyone, but no one would believe it C5 D5 G5 If I could have a beer with Jesus C5 He can probably only stay, for just a couple rounds A5 C5 D5 But I hope and pray he'd stay untill we shut the whole place down C5 D5 G5 Ask him how'd you turn the other cheek C5 D5 G5 To save a sorry soul like me C5 What's on the other side? Is mom and daddy alright? A5 C5 D5 And if it ain't no trouble tell them I said hi C5 D5 G5 D5 C5 I'd tell everyone, but no one would believe it C5 D5 G5 If I could have a beer with Jesus C5 D5 G5 D5 C5 I'd tell everyone, but no one would believe it C5 D5 G5 If I could have a beer with Jesus Outro.: G5 D5 C5 G5 D5 C5 G5