"Reconsider Everything"

I got this tab from somewhere else.  I didn't come up with it myself, but
I play this version of it, so I will put it up here in case anyone else likes it.

^ = bend the string on that note
h = hammer on

Intro:(Nick's part) listen for strumming

Guitar Riff:(Tim uses wah-wah pedal) listen for strumming
On the last time he goes to 2 one the g string, he plays this

|------------5-5h7-(and slide down from 7)-----------

Verse: (it's the same as the intro, but palm muted Note: except for when they
stop and the guitar slides down, here are the two sliding down, they slide down
from these notes)
first time ---  ---
           ---  ---
           -9-  -5-
           -9-  -5-
           -7-  -3-
           ---  ---    

Bridge thing: ("how many time can they tell you")


SA's part: (palm muted)
|-2-2-2-2-2-3-3-3-3-3- play this 4 times

The part right after this:
the last time it does this it doesn't play the last two notes here,
it stays on zero and two, and goes into the intro.
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