                        CLOVE SMOKE CATHARSIS - AFI

Tabbed by Jade 
People wanted other songs more but this one was more fun to tab.
Intro:                                                       Repeat with this chord at the end:  

verse 1:
verse 1 (distorted guitar):


chorus:  (I'm not including the exact amount of strums here, just the chords)
              on the second chord (A major) of the second measure of the chorus,
              there is harmonics on the E string


verse 2 and chorus 2 are basically the same as the first except there is less 
individually picked strings and the chorus is doubled with and extra octave chord at the end:  
G --16--
D -------
A -14--

			At the end:

Breakdown: (once again, the exact strums aren't represented)
			           At the end:

repeat chorus and then finish out song on this octave chord:  
G ---7---
D -------
A ---5---

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