• Song:

    Third Temptation Of Paris

  • Artist:



-gUmAwa Ako nG ChordS kAc Ala nAMaN ChordS Ata d2...xD
tApos kinApa ko lnG 2 sAna mAgus2hAN nyO...xD
Email Add:apology_gurl@y.c

Am            C                   G                     Em
The horizon, now as dark as the crimes that brought them here,
C            Am             G        Em
is filled with my impending dread
(2loy 2loy nyo nA lNg pOUh pArEpArehAs lNg ThE sAMe cHOrDS)
my foolish actions will cost so many good men
Achilles has come...

a thousand sails approaching
sent here in her name to reclaim the one I stole
and destroy the walls of Troy

desire leaves me numb to all the pain surrounding me
storms will arise to condemn me
I will not die before her eyes...
it ends tonight

desire leaves me numb to all the pain surrounding me
storms will arise to condemn me
I will not die before her eyes...
it ends tonight
tragically I now must accept the penance I have earned
she is cursed and tonight we die
in the dawn of this, my end, I hold my sword true
I must let her go...

a thousand sails approaching
sent here in her name to reclaim the one I stole
and destroy the walls of Troy

desire leaves me numb to all the pain surrounding me
storms will arise to condemn me
I will not die before her eyes...
it ends tonight

it ends tonight, I am alone
pain fills her eyes, I am alone

I must save my honor, I cannot let them win, the blood of many spills
sacred and profane is our love in death...
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