• Song:

    Little Girls Pointing And Laughing

  • Artist:


  • Album:



Little Girls Pointing and Laughing
By: A Steve Heller and “Rockface” collaboration.

To better understand the tab; Flip all the volume settings to either the left or right side.


Figure [1] at 0:00 to 0:54 (Played 4X)

       C    E                
d# |---0----0------------|  |--10--|
a# |---0----7------------|  |---7--|
f# |---0----0------------|  |---0--|  **This chord is played
c# |---9----0------------|  |---0--|  last listen to get the rhythm
g# |---10---7------------|  |---7--|
D# |---8----7------------|  |---7--|

Figure [2] at 0:55 to 1:21  (Played 2X)   

d# |-------------------------2--|   
a# |-------------------------0--|   **>>> = pick scrape 
f# |-------------------------0--|   
c# |-->-4h5p4---4-7-4-5p4----2--|    
g# |-->-------5-----------5--2--|
D# |-->----------------------0--|
Figure [3] at 1:22 to 1:27 (Played 4X)   

d# |--------------------------------|   
a# |--------------------------------|
f# |----------------------7---------|    
c# |--10-10-10-10-10--7h9---9-7h9---|    
g# |--10-10-10-10-10----------------|
D# |--8--8--8--8--8-----------------|
      x  x  x  x  x

Figure [4] at 1:28 to 1:34  (Played 4X)   

d# |---------------------------|    |-------------|  **this fill is played on 
a# |------------------7--------|    |-------------|  the 4th time.
f# |-------------7h9----9p7----|    |--7h9--------|  
c# |--9-9-9-9-9-------------9--|    |------7h9--9-|  (trick! bar 7th fret to play
g# |--7-7-7-7-7----------------|    |-------------|  first diagram)
D# |--7-7-7-7-7----------------|    |-------------|
      x x x x x

Figure [5] at 1:35 to 1:41 (Played 4X)   

d# |--------------------------------|   
a# |--------------------------------|
f# |----------------------7---------|    
c# |--10-10-10-10-10--7h9---9-7h9---|    
g# |--10-10-10-10-10----------------|
D# |--8--8--8--8--8-----------------|
      x  x  x  x  x

Figure [6] at 1:42 to 1:47  (Played 4X)   

d# |---------------------------|    |-------------|  
a# |------------------7--------|    |-------------|  
f# |-------------7h9----9p7----|    |--7h9--------|  
c# |--9-9-9-9-9-------------9--|    |------7h9--9-| 
g# |--7-7-7-7-7----------------|    |-------------|  
D# |--7-7-7-7-7----------------|    |-------------|
      x x x x x

Figure [7] at 1:48 to 1:54 (Played 4X)   

d# |----------------------------|   
a# |-----------------8--10------|
f# |------------------------7---|    
c# |--10-10-10-10-10------------|    
g# |--10-10-10-10-10------------|
D# |--8--8--8--8--8-------------|
      x  x  x  x  x

Figure [8] at 1:55 to 2:01 (Played 4X)   

d# |----------------------------| |------------------| 
a# |----------------------------| |------------------|  ** this fill is played
f# |-------------<5>--<7>-------| |--<5>--<7>--------|  on the 4th time.
c# |--9-9-9-9-9-----------<7>---| |----------<7>-----|
g# |--7-7-7-7-7-----------------| |-------------<7>--| 
D# |--7-7-7-7-7-----------------| |------------------|
      x x x x x

Figure [9] at 2:02 to 2:14 (Played 4X) each             (fill on last time)

d# |------------------------|  |-----------------|  |---------10--------10------|
a# |------------------------|  |-----------------|  |------------7---------7----|            
f# |------------------------|  |-----------------|  |------7-------7---------7--|               
c# |--10-10-10-10-10-10-10--|  |--9-9-9-9-9-9-9--|  |--7/9---9-------9----------| 
g# |--10-10-10-10-10-10-10--|  |--7-7-7-7-7-7-7--|  |---------------------------|
D# |--8--8--8--8--8--8--8---|  |--7-7-7-7-7-7-7--|  |---------------------------|
      x  x  x  x                  x x x x

Figure [10] at 2:15 to 2:41 (Played 2X)   


d# |--------2--0--|   
a# |--------0--0--|
f# |-----4--0--4--|    
c# |--5--4--2--5--|    
g# |--5--2--2--3--|
D# |--3--2--0--0--|

Figure [11] at 2:42 to 2:49 (Played 2X)   

d# |---------------------------|   
a# |---------------------------|
f# |--12--11-----12--11--------|    
c# |----------12---------12--9-|    
g# |---------------------------|
D# |---------------------------|

Figure [12] at 2:50 to 2:55 (Played 2X)   

d# |------------------------|   
a# |-----------------10-----|
f# |--12--11-----12---------|    
c# |----------12--------9---|    
g# |------------------------|
D# |------------------------|

Figure [13] at 2:56 to 2:59 (Played 1X)   

d# |--------------------------------|   
a# |-----------------10-------------|
f# |--12--11----12------------------|    
c# |---------9---------12--9--------|    
g# |--------------------------------|
D# |--------------------------------|

Figure [14] at 3:00 to 3:03 (Played 1X)   

d# |------------------------------|   
a# |------------------------------|
f# |--12--11-----12--11-----------|    
c# |---------12---------9---------|    
g# |------------------------------|
D# |------------------------------|

Figure [15] at 3:04 to 3:08 (Played 1X)   

d# |-------------------------------------|   
a# |-------------------------------------|
f# |--12--11-----12--11-------12--11-----|    
c# |----------12---------12—9--------12--|    
g# |-------------------------------------|
D# |-------------------------------------|

Figure [16] at 3:09 to 3:37 (Played 8X)

d# |----------------------------------------|  |--------------------------|**
a# |----------------------------------------|  |--------------<7>---------|  Played
f# |--12p11----12p11----12p11----12p11------|  |--12p11--<5>-----<7>------|  every
c# |--------12-------12-------12--------9---|  |--------------------<7>---|  4th time
g# |----------------------------------------|  |--------------------------|
D# |----------------------------------------|  |--------------------------|

Figure [17] at 3:37 to 3:43 (Played 1X)   

d# |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
a# |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
f# |--11-11-11-12/14/16---11-11-11-12/14/16---11-11-11-12/14/16---11-11-11-12/14-7-7--|  
c# |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
g# |--9--9--9--10/12/14---9--9--9--10/12/14---9--9--9--10/12/14---9--9--9--10/12-5-5--|
D# |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

Figure [18] at 3:44 to 3:50 (Played 1X)

d# |--------------------------------------------------------------------|
a# |--------------------------------------------------------------------|
f# |--111111-11111111-111111-11111111-111111-11111111-111111-11111111---|
c# |--------------------------------------------------------------------|
g# |--9-9-9--9-9-9-9--9-9-9—-9-9-9-9—-9-9-9--9-9-9-9—-9-9-9—-9-9-9-9----|
D# |--------------------------------------------------------------------|

Figure [19] at 3:51 to 4:45 (Played 4X)   


d# |--------2--0--|   
a# |--------0--0--|
f# |-----4--0--4--|    
c# |--5--4--2--5--|    
g# |--5--2—-2--3--|
D# |--3--2--0--0--|

Figure [20] at 4:46 to 4:54 (Played 4X)   
d# |------------------|   
a# |------------------|
f# |------------------|    
c# |--10-10-10-10-10--|    
g# |--10-10-10-10-10--|
D# |--8--8--8--8--8---|
      x x  x x  x 

Figure [1] at 0:00 to 0:54 (Played 4X)

d# |-----------------------------| |---------------------------|**
a# |-----------------------------| |---------------------------|   **played on
f# |--9--12--11--16--14/16--12---| |--9--12--11--14--11/12--11-|   4th time
c# |-----------------------------| |---------------------------|   (listen
g# |--7--10--9---14--12/14--10---| |--7--10--9---12---9/10--9--|   carefully)
D# |-----------------------------| |---------------------------|   

Figure [2] at 0:55 to 1:20 (Played 2X)

d# |-------|    |--2--------------2---------------|  
a# |-------|    |--0--------------0---------------|    *this power chord is bent
f# |--16b*-|x20 |--0--/11--12--7--0--/11--12--16--|    1/2 listen to
c# |-------|    |--2--------------2---------------|    understand the pattern
g# |--14b*-|    |--2--/9---10--5--2--/9---10--14--|    
D# |-------|    |--0--------------0---------------|

Figure [3] at 1:21 to 1:23 (Played 1X)   

d# |-----------------------------|  
a# |-----------------------------|  
f# |-----------------7h9---------|   
c# |--10-10-10-10-10-----7h9-7---|   
g# |--10-10-10-10-10-------------|  
D# |--8--8--8--8--8--------------|  
      x  x  x  x  x

Figure [4] at 1:23 to 1:27 (Played 3X)   

d# |------------------------------|  
a# |------------------------------|  
f# |-----------------7h9----------|   
c# |--10-10-10-10-10-----7h9-7h9--|   
g# |--10-10-10-10-10--------------|  
D# |--8--8--8--8--8---------------|  
      x  x  x  x  x

Figure [5] at 1:28 to 1:34  (Played 4X)   

d# |-------------------------| |-------------|  **this fill is played on 
a# |-----------------7-------| |-------------|  the 4th time instead of 
f# |-------------7h9---9-7/9-| |--7h9--------|  the fill from the diagram
c# |--9-9-9-9-9--------------| |------7h9--9-|  next to this one. 
g# |--7-7-7-7-7--------------| |-------------|  (listen to find it)
D# |--7-7-7-7-7--------------| |-------------|
      x x x x x

Figure [6] at 1:35 to 1:41  (Played 4X)   

d# |------------------------------|   
a# |------------------------------|
f# |-----------------7h9----------|    
c# |--10-10-10-10-10-----7h9-7h9--|    
g# |--10-10-10-10-10--------------|
D# |--8--8--8--8--8---------------|
      x  x  x  x  x

Figure [7] at 1:42 to 1:47  (Played 4X)   

d# |-------------------------| |-------------|  
a# |-----------------7-------| |-------------|  
f# |-------------7h9---9-7/9-| |--7h9--------|  
c# |--9-9-9-9-9--------------| |------7h9--9-|  
g# |--7-7-7-7-7--------------| |-------------|  
D# |--7-7-7-7-7--------------| |-------------|
      x x x x x

Figure [8] at 1:48 to 1:54 (Played 4X)   

d# |----------------------------|   
a# |-----------------8--10------|
f# |------------------------7---|    
c# |--10-10-10-10-10------------|    
g# |--10-10-10-10-10------------|
D# |--8--8--8--8--8-------------|
      x  x  x  x  x

Figure [9] at 1:55 to 2:01 (Played 4X)   

d# |---------------------------| |------------------| 
a# |---------------------------| |------------------|  ** this fill is played
f# |-------------<5>--<7>------| |--<5>--<7>--------|  on the 4th time.
c# |--9-9-9-9-9-----------<7>--| |----------<7>-----|
g# |--7-7-7-7-7----------------| |-------------<7>--| 
D# |--7-7-7-7-7----------------| |------------------|
      x x x x x

Figure [10] at 2:02 to 2:14 (Played 4X) each  

d# |------------------------|  |-----------------| 
a# |------------------------|  |-----------------| **Notice only the first
f# |------------------------|  |-----------------| 4 strums are muted.
c# |--10-10-10-10-10-10-10--|  |--9-9-9-9-9-9-9--|  
g# |--10-10-10-10-10-10-10--|  |--7-7-7-7-7-7-7--|
D# |--8--8--8--8--8--8--8---|  |--7-7-7-7-7-7-7--|
      x  x  x  x                  x x x x

Figure [11] at 2:15 to 2:41 (Played 2X)   


d# |--------2-------------2-------------|   
a# |--------0-------------0-------------|
f# |-----4--0--/11-12-7---0--/11-12/16--|    
c# |--5--4--2-------------2-------------|    
g# |--5--2--2--/9--10-5---2--/9--10/14--|
D# |--3--2--0-------------0-------------|
Figure [12] at 2:42 to 3:09 (Played 8X)   

d# |----------------------------| 
a# |--<5>-------<5>-----<7>-----|  
f# |-----<5>--------<5>-----<7>-|    **all these notes are harmonics 
c# |----------------------------|    
g# |----------------------------|    
D# |----------------------------|

Figure [13] at 3:10 at 3:23 (Played 1x)

d# |--------2---------------------------------|   
a# |--------0---------------------------------| **Listen to figure out the
f# |-----2--0--/11--12/7/12--11--12/14--12/11-| mutes & strumming pattern   
c# |--5--2--2---------------------------------| to the songs   
g# |--5--4--2--/9---10/5/10--9---10/12--10/9--|
D# |--3--4--0---------------------------------|

Figure [14] at 3:24 at 3:37 (Played 1x)

d# |--------2-------------------------------|   
a# |--------0-------------------------------|  **the notes are really rigid
f# |-----2--0--11-12-7-12-11-14-12-11-12-11-|  check the song for the timing
c# |--5--2--2-------------------------------|    
g# |--5--4--2--9--10-5-10-9--12-10-9--10-9--|
D# |--3--4--0-------------------------------|

Figure [15] at 3:38 at 3:51 (Played 1x)

d# |-----------------------------------------------------------------|
a# |-----------------------------------------------------------------|
f# |-----2-----------11-11-11----------12-12-12-----------12-12-12---|    
c# |--5--2--9-9-9-9—-----------9-9-9-9-----------9-9-9-9-------------|    
g# |--5--4--7-7-7-7--9--9--9---7-7-7-7—10-10-10--7-7-7-7--10-10-10---|
D# |--3--4--7-7-7-7------------7-7-7-7-----------7-7-7-7-------------|
            x x x x            x x x x           x x x x

Figure [16] at 3:52 to 4:04 (Played 1X)   

d# |--------2-------------2-------------|   
a# |--------0-------------0-------------|
f# |-----4--0--/11-12-7---0--/11-12/16--|    
c# |--5--4--2-------------2-------------|    
g# |--5--2--2--/9--10-5---2--/9--10/14--|
D# |--3--2--0-------------0-------------|

Figure [17] at 4:05 to 4:18 (Played 1X)   

d# |--------2------------------------|   
a# |--------0------------------------|
f# |-----4--0--/11-12-7/12-11-12/16--|    
c# |--5--4--2------------------------|    
g# |--5--2--2--/9--10-5/10-9--10/14--|
D# |--3--2--0------------------------|

Figure [18] at 4:19 to 4:46 (Played 2X)   

d# |--------2---------------|   
a# |--------0---------------|   **this note is played 12x
f# |-----4--0--/11-12-7/12*-|    
c# |--5--4--2---------------|
g# |--5--2--2--/9--10-5/10*-|
D# |--3--2--0---------------|

Figure [19] at 4:46 to 4:54 (Played 1X)   

d# |-----------------| 
a# |-----------------|  
f# |-----------------|   
c# |--10-10-10-10-10-|    
g# |--10-10-10-10-10-|    
D# |--8--8--8--8--8--|
      x  x  x  x  x

(We can't stop now) I still can remember what you did. Your eyes (we've got to slow down) 
full of discomfort, bare foot in a public washroom. Spill on me your nostalgia like warm 
water and cataracts that that fell behind self-conscious eyes. (Please just give me back 
my heart, it has been too long and I will burn no more) Hurt so good through ivory rain and 
cut throat soap box derby racers. I want you to ruin me. (Please just give me back my heart, 
it has been too long and I will burn no more, tired of all these lies and elsewhere eyes of 
yours, so I will scream and dream of what's to come.)
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