• Song:

    All Hope Is Gone

  • Artist:

    Alter Bridge

  • Album:

    AB III

Alter Bridge - "All hope is Gone"
From the Album "AB III"
tuning - Bb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb
tabbed by jjhand

More heavy riffs from Tremonti's low-tuned axe. I suggest a 0.060 gauge 
or so string for the low B to avoid excess slack. Please rate/comment!
Main Riff was updated 2/9/12 using youtube footage of his solo lesson.

Intro/Main Riff - Guitar 1
    Bb                     G/Em               Db             Ab



Verse 1 - Main Riff Again 

"A tireless stream of indifference flows
through veins 'till the river runs dry
I no longer care, I have all but disposed
of dreams that I once held inside.

Desire is gone after all of these years
the fight has been lost, I concede.
The apathy born a long time ago
has grown to what I can't defeat"

Before Chorus Riff Change - () notes is Guitar 2


Chorus - play 2x, then go to ending

"I've been here too long                    I'm tired and longing for more"
"How long must i run                         To find what I'm looking for?"

Chorus ending (both guitars)
|-10------|-9----------------|  back to Main riff
 "All      hope     is      gone"

Verse 2 (same as before, but add part below):
"The sadness i carry so deep in my heart
for what could have been and might be
is never forgotten, its never too far
I'm wasted so worn and so weak"

Lead Guitar Overdubs for Verse 2 - () is second part


Ending 1

Ending 2

Play Chorus Again


(2:13) - Guitar 1 with echo

(2:30) - Play this part 2x

  Guitar 1 with echo (play each bar 2x)
| Guitar 2

(2:48) Bridge Pt. 2 - play 4x

Solo - (Rhythm Guitar plays Main Riff throughout, * is PH notes)




Play Chorus Again with Lead guitar playing-




Play Bridge Part 2  4x, same as before

Ending - Bridge Part from 2:13 in song, Guitar 1 plays until fade out


| /   slide up
| \   slide down
| h   hammer-on
| p   pull-off
| tr  trill (hammer on & pull off a few times)
| ~   vibrato
| PH  pinch harmonic
| x   Mute note
| b   Bend
| r   Bend release
| ()  Note from second guitar
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