• Song:

    Under A Veil Of Black Lace

  • Artist:


 																																													Under AVeil (x02220@1)Of Black Lace Tab									by Anathema tabs |											tabbed by paddyirishman | 									comments (0) 																																													1																							2																							3																							4																							5																																						   								 																	 									print																																							 									send																																							 									report																																																																																																																																																																					Under AVeil (x02220@1)Of Black Lace Lyricsby Anathema Lyrics																						Under AVeil (x02220@1)Of Black Lace Tabat 911Tabs.com																																																						 																																																																																																																																																																																												 																																																																																																																												+ to speed up (numpad)															- to slow down (numpad)															Esc to stop																												Help																																																																																																																																																											Under AVeil (x02220@1)Of Black Lace tab by Anathema, www.Ultimate-Guitar.Com																																													Listen to Under AVeil (x02220@1)Of Black Lace																																														Add to favourites																																																																				Difficulty: intermediate																																																																																			tf_artist = "Anathema";											tf_song = "Under AVeil (x02220@1)Of Black Lace";																																																												================================================================================
                                AN (x02220@1)AT (x02220@1)H EM (022100@1)A (x02220@1)                                       -

              U N D (xx0232@1)name="chord_022100@1">E R   A (x02220@1) V EI (022100@1)L   ( O F (133211@1) BL (x2444x@1)A (x02220@1)name="chord_x32010@1">C K   L A (x02220@1)name="chord_x32010@1">C E) (022100@1)================================================================================

                         (c)  Peaceville Records (1993)

                                 Standard Tuning
         [All guitars are 7-Strings, except for the 6-string acoustic]
                                  B (x2444x@1)name="chord_022100@1">E A (x02220@1)name="chord_xx0232@1">D G (320003@1)name="chord_x2444x@1">B E (022100@1)                                  Tempo = 50 BPM
                              Time Signature = 4/4

                                 Transcribed by

                                 PADDY MCMULLAN

                                   Version 1.0

                             Tablature Symbols Used:

 P.M...    -  Palm Mute
 p         -  Pull-Off
 h (x2444x@1)       -  Hammer-On
 (/)       -  Legato Slide (Blank space indicates length of slide)
 \         -  Slide Down to/Down From (Blank space indicates length of slide)
 /         -  Slide Up To/Up From (Blank space indicates length of slide)
 ( )       -  Ghost Note/Tied Note/Implied Note
 REST      -  Rest and sustain rest for duration of blank space
 |_3_|     -  Triplet Notes
 |___[1]   -  Ending 1/2/3 etc.
 (2b4r2)   -  Bend note to the indicated pitch, then release
 3~~       -  Vibrato
 *         -  Staccato Note

Section 1.1: Guitar 1 w/ Heavy Distortion (Play once)

  1                     2
||---------------------|-------5----7~~-- \ 4~~---|

 3                         4                       5
|-----------5~~---- \ 4-2-|--4----------(5/7)---\ | -5---------------5 / |
|--0----------------------|-------------(3/5)---\ | -3---------------3 / |

 6                      7                      8
| -7------------7--- \ | -5---------------5 / |--7------------7--- \ |
| -5------------5--- \ | -3---------------3 / |--5------------5--- \ |

 10                  11                    12
|--2----------------|---------------------|-------5----7~~-- \ 4~~---|

 13                        14                       15
|-----------5~~---- \ 4-2-|--4-----------(5/7)-- \ | -5---------------5 / |
|--0----------------------|--------------(3/5)-- \ | -3---------------3 / |

 16                     17                     18
| -7------------7--- \ |--5---------------5 / | -7------------7-- \--|
| -5------------5--- \ |--3---------------3 / | -5-------------------|

|--0---------------12\ -||
|------------------12\ -||

During this section the tempo gradually increases to 56 BPM

Section 1.2: Guitar 2 w/ Heavy Distortion (Play once)

  1                           2
||-------------9-------9-----|--9---(9/12)----11----7~~- \ |

 3                          4
|--2------2 h5-------------|---------------4~~---|

 5                              6                       |__3__|
|--5~~-------7-(7/9)---7-7--5--|-(5\4)-4--4--------4----4h 5p 4-|

 7                                  8
|--5~~------(5/7)-(7/9)---7-7~~-5--|--5 h7-4-----------5--(4\2)-|

 9                                10

 11                            12
|--9---(9/12)----11----7~~- \ |--2------2--------------|

 13                      14

 15                         16

 17                           18

Section 2: Guitars 1 & 2 (Play 4 times)

         P.M.       ....       ....     .....

|-------------------------------------------| |
|-------------------------------------------| |
|-------------*----------0--2----3---0--2~~-| |
|--2----2--2--2----2--2---------------------| |
|--0----0--0--0----0--0---------------------| |
        ....       ....

        ....       ....       ...

On the second repeat, Guitar 2 replaces the second bar with the following:

|-------------------------------------------| |
|-------------------------------------------| |
|-------------*----------0--2----3------2~~-| |
|--2----2--2--2----2--2---------------------| |
|--0----0--0--0----0--0---------------------| |
        ....       ....

Guitars 1 & 2 play Section 1 once; Guitar 2's variations are tabbed below:

  1                           2
||-------------9-------9-----|--9---(9/12)----11--- \ 7~~- \ |

 3                          4
|--2------2 / 9~~----(7\5)-|-(5/7)-----------4~~---|

 5                               6
|--5~~-------7-(7/9)---7---5- \ |--------4--5-5---4----4 h5-(5/7)-|

 7                                 8
|--5~~------(5/7)-(7/9)---7~~--9--|--10-7-7--7---5-4----4 h5-4-0-|

 9                                 10

11 |__3___|                                  12
|--------------9--(9/12)----11--- \ 7~~-- \ |--2------2--------------|

 13                    14                      15

 16                         17
|--5~~----------(7/9)- \ 7-|--7-- \ 5-4  h 5-4----4-5-4-0-|

|-(0h2)----- / 5-7-(7/9)-7-5-4----------||

Guitars 1 and 2 play Section 2 four times

Section 3: Guitar 3 [Acoustic] Play once [ Tempo = 70 BPM ]

* Let notes ring wherever possible *




|-----------------------||----------R-       -||
|-----------------------||----------E-       -||
|------------2h3--------||--(3)-----S-       -||
|-------3---------------||--(3)-----T-       -||

Section 4.1: Guitar 1 (Play once) [ Tempo = 76 BPM ]

The first bar overlaps with the last bar of Section 3

  x                     1                   2
||--R-      ----------||-------------------|-------------------|
||--E-      ----------||-------------------|-------------------|
||--S-      ----------||-------------------|-------------------|
||--T-      ----------||-------------------|-------------------|

 3                   4                     5
|--2----------------|--(3    b 4     r 3)-|------------------------|
|-------------------|---------------------|--1--------(1/5)----- \ |

 6                        7                   8
|-----------2--3--- / 5--|--3----------------|-(3b 4r 3)----(3  b4  r3)-|

 9                   10                       11
|--2----------------|--2--------(2   b3  r2)-|--0----------------|

 12                   13                  14

 15                     16                  17
|--1---------------- \ |--3----------------|-------------------|

 18                     19                       20
|--(3  b4 r3)-3--------|------------------------|------------------(3/5)-|
|----------------------|--1--------(1/5)----- \ |--3---------------------|

 21                  22                     23
|--5----------------|--(5)------(5  b6 r5)-|--4----------------|
|--3----------------|--(3)------(3  b4 r3)-|--2----------------|

 24                     25                  26
|--(4)------(4  b5 r4)-|--2----------------|--(2)-------------2--|
|--(2)------(2  b3 r3)-|--0----------------|--(0)-------------2--|

 27                  28                  29

 30                     31                  32
|--(5)------(5  b6 r5)-|--4----------------|--(4)------(4  b5 r4)-|
|--(3)------(3  b4 r3)-|--2----------------|--(2)------(2  b3 r3)-|

 33                  34                    35

 36                  37
                            ....       ....

During this section the tempo gradually increases to 112 BPM

Section 4.2: Guitar 2 (Play once)

The first bar overlaps with the last bar of Section 3

  x                     1                   2
||--R-      ----------||--------------------|----------------------|
||--E-      ----------||--------------------|----------------------|
||--S-      ----------||--------------------|----------------------|
||--T-      ----------||--------------------|----------------------|
||-----------5--------||--3------------3----|--5------------5--- \ |

 3                    4                       5
|--2------------2----|--3----------(3 b4 r3)-|--3--------3--------|

 6                      7                   8

 9                   10                           11

 12                    13                  14

 15                    16                     17
|--3---------------3--|--5------------5--- \ |--2----------------|

 18                     19                     20
|--3---------(3 b4 r3)-|--3-------(5/7)-------|--5------5--5--5----5--|

 21                  22                     23
|--5----------------|--(5)------5----5-- / | -9----------------|

 24                   25                   26
|--(9)------9--------|--10----------------|--(10)-----9----- \ 7--|

 27                  28                  29

 30                     31                  32
|--(5)------5----5-- / | -9----------------|--(9)------9--------|

 33                   34                      35
|--10----------------|--(10)-----9----- \ 7--|-------------------|

 36                  37
                            ....       ....
        ....       .....

Section 4.3: Guitar 4 w/ Heavy Distortion (Play once)

  x                       1
||--R-      ------------||-------------------------|
||--E-      ------------||-------------------------|
||--S-      ------------||------(5/7) h 9--7-------|
||--T-      -5------- \ ||--3----------------------|

 2                              3
|-(7)---7 h 9--(9/10)--9 \ 5---|-(5)---(5/7) h 9--7~~-----|

 4                         5
|--10----9 \ 4--5~~-------|-(5)---(5/7) h 9--7~~-----|

 6                          7
|--9h10----9----7--5----4--|--5----(5/7) h 9--7~~-----|

 8                         9
|--7h10----9----7----9----|--9----7 h 9--7~~-------|

 10                           11
|--(7/10)----9----7--9 \ 5~~-|-(5)---(5/7) h 9--7~~-----|

 12                        13
|-(7/10)---9----7----9----|-(9)---9 h 10--(10/12)---10---9--|

 14                        15
|--10~~------ \ 7~~-------|--5----(5/7) h 9--7------|

 16                             17
|-(7)---7 h 9--(9/10)--9- \ 5--|-(5)---(5/7) h 9--7~~-----|

 18                          19
|--10----9 / 16--17~~-------|-(17)--(9/7) h 9--7~~-----|

 20                            21                   22

 23                   24                    25
|--7-----------------|-----------7---------|--(7/9)------7h 9p 7-5------|

 26                       27                     28

 29                   30                    31

 32                    33                      34

 35                     36                         37


Guitars 1 & 2 play Section 2 twelve times, ending on the following:

||-----------------R-    -||
||-----------------E-    -||
||-----------------S-    -||
||--7-------9-- \--T-    -||
||--5-------7-- \---------||

During the repeats of Section 2 the tempo gradually increases to 128 BPM

Lead During End Section: Guitar 4 (Play once)

This is a continuation of Section 4.3

  1                          2
||-(9/10)----9----10----9---|-(9)---7 h 9--7--------|

 3                          4

 5                          6
|-(9/10)----9----10----9---|-(9)---7 h 9--7--------|

 7                           8

 9                          10
|-(9/10)---9----10----9----|-(9)---7 h 9--7--------|

 11                         12

 13                         14
|-(9/10)---9----10----9----|-(9)---7 h 9--7--------|

|---------------10-------- \ -||


Tab summary:        Section 1 x 1
                    Section 2 x 4
                    Section 1 x 1
                    Section 2 x 4
                    Section 3 x 1
                    Section 4 x 1
                    Section 2 x 12 + Lead

                    END																																																																													tf_artist = "Anathema";											tf_song = "Under AVeil (x02220@1)Of Black Lace";																															         																																																																																																		

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