Am (x02210@1)                            GHigh (320003@1)this mountain, broad this sea
G (320003@1)                AmStill (x02210@1)my sin ran deeper
Am (x02210@1)                        GGrave (320003@1)offense my soul did wreak
G (320003@1)                 AmAgainst (x02210@1)creation�s keeper
      G (320003@1)             F (133211@1)       CBut (x32010@1)see what power so fell and fair
C (x32010@1)                   FHas (133211@1)stayed his Holy justice
Am (x02210@1)                      GGod (320003@1)Himself all Hell did bear
G (320003@1)                       AmHow (x02210@1)great His love for us is

AmSo (x02210@1)serve Him, O serve Him
G (320003@1)               AmHe (x02210@1)who brings the morning
AmO (x02210@1)serve Him, Only serve Him
G (320003@1)               AmHe (x02210@1)who brings the morning

Am (x02210@1)                     GEvery (320003@1)hour is a precious boon
G (320003@1)                AmEvery (x02210@1)breath is a mercy
Am (x02210@1)                     GEvery (320003@1)glimpse of yonder moon
G (320003@1)               AmA (x02210@1)balm upon this journey
    G (320003@1)              F (133211@1)        CHow (x32010@1)vast the heavens above this place
C (x32010@1)                    FSo (133211@1)small beneath His glory
Am (x02210@1)                            GStill (320003@1)he stooped and showed His face
G (320003@1)                      AmAnd (x02210@1)poured His mercy o�re me

AmSo (x02210@1)serve Him, O serve Him
G (320003@1)                AmHe (x02210@1)who brings the morning
AmO (x02210@1)serve Him, Only serve Him
G (320003@1)                AmHe (x02210@1)who brings the morning
G (320003@1)       F (133211@1)     CJesus (x32010@1)our Messiah King
C (x32010@1)                   G (320003@1)    FFor (133211@1)those who don�t deserve Him
Am (x02210@1)                        GConquered (320003@1)death all life to bring
G (320003@1)                        FSo (133211@1)seek His face and serve Him
FO (133211@1)serve Him

AmSing, (x02210@1)O sing
G (320003@1)              AmPraise (x02210@1)His name forever

AmOh (x02210@1)praise Him
AmOh (x02210@1)praise Him
G (320003@1)              AmPraise (x02210@1)His name forever
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