Barbeque Tab									by Animal Liberation Orchestra tabs |											tabbed by onefinebob | 									comments (0) 																																													1																							2																							3																							4																							5																																						   								 																	 									print																																							 									send																																							 									report																																																																																																																																																																				Barbeque Tabat																																																						 																																																																																																																																																																																												 																																																																																																																												+ to speed up (numpad)															- to slow down (numpad)															Esc to stop																												Help																																																																																																																																																											Barbeque tab by Animal Liberation Orchestra, www.Ultimate-Guitar.Com																																													Listen to Barbeque																																														Add to favourites																																																																																														tf_artist = "Animal Liberation Orchestra";											tf_song = "Barbeque";																																																												-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Standard Tuning
Tabbed by onefinebob at gmail dot com

  C* (1st measure) C (Others)

                     C*                           CThe (x32010@1)road is long and windy, like a good mystery unfolding 
	       C (x32010@1)                                         CIt (x32010@1)twists and turns in colorful subplots and sunburns and fake out endings 
        C (x32010@1)                                           Dm7 (x57568) C6-5 (8x7910x)
And sometimes my patience in the whole process starts bending 

                            C (x32010@1)F (133211@1)C (x32010@1)F (133211@1)     C (x32010@1)           F (133211@1)             CAs (x32010@1)I attempt to unravel the web        by traversing and rehearsing and perversing 
      F (133211@1)               C (x32010@1)           F (133211@1)           C (x32010@1)    F (133211@1)     C (x32010@1)  F (133211@1) C (x32010@1) Fand (133211@1)reversing along the doubt laden extension chord threads  of my life 
    C (x32010@1)      F (133211@1)        C (x32010@1)     F (133211@1)               C (x32010@1)  F (133211@1)C (x32010@1)FAnd (133211@1)in this life we're free to dream what ever we want to 
    C (x32010@1)          F (133211@1)            C (x32010@1)        F (133211@1)        CBut (x32010@1)that doesn't mean that your dreams are gonna come true 
   C (x32010@1)        F (133211@1)    C (x32010@1)           F (133211@1)   C (x32010@1)          F (133211@1)          C (x32010@1)        FInstead, (133211@1)as a way of getting us to move, life dangles your dreams in front of you 
      C (x32010@1)       F (133211@1)          C (x32010@1)    F (133211@1)     C (x32010@1)  F (133211@1) C (x32010@1) FAnd (133211@1)unable to resist the temptation   we continue 
         C (x32010@1)              F (133211@1)                C (x32010@1)FAnd (133211@1)it's clear to me that this life is gonna be all about the 
C (x32010@1)           F (133211@1)                C (x32010@1)            FDangling (133211@1)possibilities that keep turning in and turning out 
         C (x32010@1)              F (133211@1)                C (x32010@1)F (133211@1)   
Yes it's clear to me that this life is gonna be all about the 
C (x32010@1)           F (133211@1)                CDangling (x32010@1)possibilities that keep turning in

    F (133211@1)              C (x32010@1)  F (133211@1)C (x32010@1)F (133211@1)                C (x32010@1)  F (133211@1) C (x32010@1) FThe (133211@1)road is long and windy      full of twists and turns 
      C (x32010@1)          F (133211@1)           C (x32010@1)   F (133211@1)            Am (x02210@1)          Am(XII)*
But before you can rise from the ashes  you've got to burn baby burn 

*Am(XII): 12 12 14 14 13 12

C (x32010@1)     F (133211@1)     C (x32010@1)  F (133211@1)          C (x32010@1)           F (133211@1)         C (x32010@1)        FWelcome (133211@1)to your barbeque where we roast all the dreams that never came true 
C (x32010@1)     F (133211@1)     C (x32010@1)  F (133211@1) C (x32010@1)    F (133211@1)  C (x32010@1)    FWelcome (133211@1)to your barbeque pig out and dream anew 
C (x32010@1)              Am (x02210@1)             G (320003@1)             F (133211@1)       
Welcome to your, welcome to your, welcome to your barbeque 

C   F (x16)

                     C (x32010@1)  F (133211@1)C (x32010@1)F (133211@1)                C (x32010@1)  F (133211@1)C (x32010@1) FThe (133211@1)road is long and windy      full of twists and turns 
      C (x32010@1)          F (133211@1)           C (x32010@1)   F (133211@1)             Am (x02210@1)           Am(XII)
But before you can rise from the ashes   you've got to burn baby burn 

C (x32010@1)     F (133211@1)     C (x32010@1)  F (133211@1)          C (x32010@1)           F (133211@1)         C (x32010@1)        FWelcome (133211@1)to your barbeque where we roast all the dreams that never came true 
C (x32010@1)     F (133211@1)     C (x32010@1)  F (133211@1) C (x32010@1)    F (133211@1)  C (x32010@1)    FWelcome (133211@1)to your barbeque pig out and dream anew 
C (x32010@1)     F (133211@1)     C (x32010@1)  F (133211@1)          C (x32010@1)           F (133211@1)         C (x32010@1)        FWelcome (133211@1)to your barbeque where we roast all the dreams that never came true 
C (x32010@1)     F (133211@1)     C (x32010@1)  F (133211@1) C (x32010@1)    F (133211@1)  C (x32010@1)    F (133211@1) C (x32010@1)F (133211@1)name="chord_x32010@1">C     F (133211@1)  C (x32010@1) FWelcome (133211@1)to your barbeque pig out and dream anew      Dream anew,  
C (x32010@1)    F (133211@1)           C (x32010@1)            F (133211@1)        C (x32010@1)        FDream (133211@1)anew, where we roast all the dreams that never came true 
C (x32010@1)        F (133211@1)   C (x32010@1)            F (133211@1)              C (x32010@1)  F (133211@1)Never came true, never came the road is long and windy 
C (x32010@1)     F (133211@1)          C (x32010@1)      F (133211@1) C (x32010@1) F (133211@1)            C (x32010@1)  F (133211@1)Like a good mystery unfolding         It twists and turns in colorful 
C (x32010@1)          F (133211@1)        C (x32010@1)F (133211@1)      C (x32010@1)name="chord_133211@1">F         C (x32010@1)  FSublots (133211@1)and sunburns and    fake out   and fake out
C (x32010@1)      F (133211@1) C (x32010@1)   F (133211@1)      C (x32010@1)     F (133211@1)(Stop short - don't let ring)
And fake out   and fake out endings

So, there are a lot of Cs and Fs in this song. To sound like the
ukulele, you can play them with barre chords on the 8th fret, emphasizing the
top (higher pitched) strings:

C: 8 10 10 9  8  8
F: x 8  10 10 10 8

If you want to add some of the bass line, play them in first position with a
quick F/E chord:

C:   x32010
F:   133211
F\E: 033211

Otherwise, feel free to adlib with various positions on the fret board. Enjoy!
																																																																													tf_artist = "Animal Liberation Orchestra";											tf_song = "Barbeque";																															         																																																																																																		

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