• Song:

    Slipped away

  • Artist:

    Avril Lavigne

  • Album:

    Live At Budokan

Intro:                     SLIPPED AWAY
guitar 1:
         mmmm____ mmmm___mm______  na na na na na na na
Guitar 2 plays the chords: G5,B5 x2 when she sings the words 'na na na na na na na'

VERSE 1:( guitar one continues the intro through the verse then plays this for pre-chorus)

---5---5---4---4-------| x2
no chords are played til the pre chorus:

I miss you
I miss you so bad
I don't forget you
Oh it's so sad

C (x32010@1)            Gi (320003@1)hope you can hear me
C (x32010@1)            Gi (320003@1)remember it clearly

Em (022000@1)    C (x32010@1)          G (320003@1)   Dthe (xx0232@1)day you slipped away
         Em (022000@1)   Cwas (x32010@1)the day i found
                 Git (320003@1)won't be the same
Doh (xx0232@1)G5 (355xxx@1)   B5na (x244xx@1)na
         G5 (355xxx@1)  B5na (x244xx@1)na na na na

                       G5 (355xxx@1)   B5i (x244xx@1)didn't get around to kiss you
               G5 (355xxx@1) B5goodbye (x244xx@1)on the hand
                  G5 (355xxx@1)            B5i (x244xx@1)wish that i could see you again
             G5 (355xxx@1)   B5i (x244xx@1)know that i can't

PRE-CHORUS same as before.

After the line 'hope you can hear me' guitar 1 plays:


     E5i've (022xxx@1)had my wake up
C5won't (x355xx@1)you wake up
G5 (355xxx@1)          D5i (xx023x@1)keep asking why
E5i (022xxx@1)can't take it
C5it (x355xx@1)wasn't fake
G5 (355xxx@1)                   D5it (xx023x@1)happened you passed by
E5now (022xxx@1)you're gone
E5now (022xxx@1)you're gone
C5there (x355xx@1)you go
C5there (x355xx@1)you go
G5 (355xxx@1)                         D5somewhere (xx023x@1)i can't bring you back
E5now (022xxx@1)you're gone
E5now (022xxx@1)you're gone
C5there (x355xx@1)you go
C5there (x355xx@1)you go
G5 (355xxx@1)                        D5somewhere (xx023x@1)you're not coming back

during the 2nd half of the bridge:'now you're gone...' guitar 1 should play this til the 
of the chorus:

--5~----7~----8~----10~--| x2

chorus x2
G (320003@1)  Bmna (x24432@1)na
        G (320003@1)   Bmna (x24432@1)na na na na


BmI (x24432@1)miss you.

if you think there are any mistakes then email me at: flowerpower698@hotmail.com. thanx.

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