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"Eleanor Rigby" -The Beatles

These are the parts the strings play, if you wanted to play guitar just play the chords.

 (C)                    (Em)            
|---9--9--9--9--9-9-9-9--9-9-9--9----9---9---9---9-----| <--strings 1
|------------------------------------------------------| <--strings 2

 (Em)                      (C)               (Em)

So, basically, Strings 1 play variations of the chords and such, 
and Strings 2 play basically the bass part for it. Here are the
different variations Strings 1 play for the chords:

Em      xxxx87
C       xxx9x8
Em7     0xx7xx
Em6     0xx6xx
Cmaj7/E 0xx5xx

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