This is just the chords, figure out your own fingerpicking pattern. 

Chords used:
A – x02220
Asus4 – x02230
G – 320003
Gsus4 – 320013
C – x32010
C/B – x20010
Am – x02210
Am7/G	- 302010
Dm - xx0231
B7 - x23202
E - 022100
A7/G - 302020
D - xx0232


A	   Asus4	   A	   Asus4
G	   Gsus4	   G	   Gsus4

A		                  Asus4	      A    	       Asus4
The weather’s like feathers on fire
G		                  Gsus4	       G	    Gsus4
The ground’s like a sound in my feet
I can’t stop my shaking I’ve been traveling so low		
And the shoes I’ve been wearing well they’re long and somewhat slow

       C    C/B    Am    Am7/G      Dm		           G  *Gsus4 G  
And a giant waking bird shakes the trees above my head
B7		                 E		           A	       **A7/G    D
Stolen shoes and a rifle, I just can’t seem to stay dead

*quick hammer on and pull off from G to Gsus4 and back

**in the song, the G note is hit first, followed by the A7 chord. 
this is hard -- alternatively just play A7 by itself x02020, or 
hit fret 3 of the low E string while letting the A chord ring.

       G               C   G  Dm
Oh the stones won’t be lonely here
     *C         G 
This year he’s gone, yeah

* he actually does a hammer on here, going from
x30010 to x32010

back to intro and repeat.
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