• Song:

    Flux Live

  • Artist:

    Bloc Party

I tried looking for tabs for the live version of Flux but didn't find any so I decided 
make my own. The video i used to tab this out will be at the bottom of the tab

Synth Intro (Tremolo picked)

Guitar Intro/1st chorus (Russell, Tremolo picked also)
[D]9----2----6----4----2----9----6----7-4----| x2

I'm not too sure about this part. Since i don't have the effects that Russell uses I had 
improvise with just a distortion pedal. You can get the same effect by palm muting and 
beginning of the verse and then let the notes actually ring later on. He repeats
it about 7-8 times.

2nd Verse

2nd chorus (Tremolo picked)

Bridge (tremolo picked, most of it)
or you can play 9 and then slide to 14 on D and then slide to 0, i slide because i don't 
the effects Russell has so again i had to improvise.

Not sure about the chords he uses in this part. This is pretty close
3rd Chorus (not sure how many times he plays this)


I dont know the outro, if anyone knows how its played or any feedback email me at 
hope you enjoy this.
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