Band: Bloodbath
Album: Nightmares made Flesh
Song: Brave New Hell

Copyright (c) Dan Swan?, 2004
Version 1, 11/4/2010

This is a Drop A 'tweaking' of the 5 star tab by Hypocrite.
There is a section in this tab which I'm convinced cannot be played in
B Standard, starting at the bride ~2:13 in the song so I'm re-tabbing
this to accommodate drop A tuning.

I've made some other tweaks that are minor during the refrain but other
than that this is very much Hypocrite's tab that I think is now closer to 100%.

As a side note please don't question the tab unless you're playing it with
appropriate strings. Anything less than .12's will yield questionable results at this
as the string tension is so weak that the slightest bend will change the note at least a
step. I've been playing along with .13's (E string is a .56) for months and I assure you 
tweaked version is more accurate.

*** DROP A Edit - Darkling83 ***
*** Transcribed by Darkling83 ***
*** Original B Standard transcribed by: Hypocrite ***

Suffixes for bend:
fb - full bend       hb - half bend
qb - quarter bend    t - tap bend
^ - Hold bend        r - release bend
~ - vibrato bend

Suffixes for harmonic:
ph - pinched harmonic      nh ? natural harmonic
ah ? artificial harmonic   hh ? harp harmonic

Suffixes for mute:
. ? palm mute            x ? staccato mute
, - light palm mute      ; - heavy palm mute

/ - slide up to            \ - slide down to
h - hammer on              p - pull off
? - sustained note         * - see comment
" - tremolo note           <> - Trill
L ? left channel only      R ? right channel only
= - 12 string guitar part

Tuning AEADF#B

Intro 2x
     . . .    .         . . .              . . .

Verse x2

Riff 1 x4
     .     . .

Refrain(part1) x2
                                                           . .     . .

Refrain(part2) x2
          . .                   . . . .     . .

Intro 2x
     . . .    .         . . .              . . .

Verse x2

Riff 1 x4
     .     . .

Refrain(part1) x2
                                                           . .     . .

Refrain(part2) x2
          . .                   . . . .     . .

Solo(part 1)
|----------------------------------------------------------------------| One

|-----------------------------------------------------------------|  Guitar Two

----------------------------------------------------------------------|  One

----------------------------------------------------------------------|  Guitar Two
                                                              . . . .

Solo(part 2) x2
|----------------------------------------------------------------------|  One
|----------------------------------------------------------------------|   Two
  .      .      .      .          .      .      .       .
----------------------------------------------------------------------|  One

----------------------------------------------------------------------|  Two
  .     .      .      .           .      .      .      .      . . . .

Riff 2 x2
  . . . .    . . . .    .          .

Riff 3 x2
|-----9-----9------------12----------15------|       Guitar One (clean)

|--------------------------------------------|            Guitar Two
  . .

Riff 4 x8
|-----9-----9------------12----------15------|        Guitar One (clean)

(Shape your fingers like a G chord and use your ring finger on the 3rd string for the sweep)
|--------------------------------------------|             Guitar Two
  . .   .
[Solo Missing]

Intro 2x
     . . .    .         . . .              . . .

Refrain(part1) x2
                                                           . .     . .

Refrain(part2) x2
          . .                   . . . .     . .
and fade out
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