song; your betrayal artist; bullet for my valentine tuning; Drop C submitted by; jilmark I. factor (jilmark_vampire) text me; 09122432418 ym, fs and fb; intro; C--;(4x) C-Ab-C-Eb-;(2x) C--;(2x) C--(solo);(4x) C--C--Bb,Ab--Bb--;((2x) G,F,Eb,D C- Am I going insane (insane) C-,Eb,C,Bb,D,B,Ab My blood is boiling inside of my veins C- An evil feeling it ticks (it ticks) C-,Eb,C,Bb,D,B,Ab My body shaking there?s no turning back C- So take your eyes off the trigger (?) C-,Eb,C,Bb,D,B,Ab I?m not to blame if your world turns to black C- as your eyes start to blister C-,Eb,C,Bb,D,B,Ab There's just no hope for our final embrace C So here we are, I?m in your head I?m in your heart!!! chorus; C You were told to run away Bb,Ab soak the place and light the flame Ab Pay the price for your betrayal Bb Your betrayal, Your Betrayal!! C I was told to stay away Bb,Ab Those two words I can?t obey Ab Pay the price for your betrayal Bb G,F,Eb,D Your betrayal, Your Betrayal!! C- Is it my turn to die? C-,Eb,C,Bb,D,B,Ab My heart is pounding as I say goodbye C- So now I dance in the flames C-,Eb,C,Bb,D,B,Ab I love you crying and screaming my name C- You said that we?d be forever C-,Eb,C,Bb,D,B,Ab How could you kill me and lie to my face C- Now that we can?t be together C-,Eb,C,Bb,D,B,Ab There?s just no hope for our final embrace C So here we are, I?m in your head I?m in your heart!!! -- repeat chorus -- interlude; C--- C GO!!! interlude; C---;(4x) C- So here we are (so here we are, I?m in your head (I?m in your head) I?m in your heart!!! -- repeat chorus -- outro; C-