Artist: Bush
Song: People that we love
Album: Golden State
   by Jorge Junior

	The bass of this song is pretty easy and plays almost the same riffs of the guitar. Although 
it's simple people that we love is a great song. The only thing that I still didn't find out was Nigel's
guitar but the rest I'm sure it's 100 % correct. The rythym guitar is pretty nice and pretty simple.


e| ----------------------------------
b| ----------------------------------
g| ----------------555-----------
d| ---777--222--555--7-5--77
a| ---777--222--333--7-5--77
e| ---555--000--------5--3--55 


Speed kills coming down the mountain
Speed kills coming down the street 
Speed kills with presence of mind
e| ----------------------------------
b| ----------------------------------
g| ----------------555-----------
d| ---777--222--555--7-5--77
a| ---777--222--333--7-5--77
e| ---555--000--------5--3--55 
P.M. (Palm Mute)

Speed kills if you know what i mean
e| ----------------------- |   -----------
b| ----------------------- |   -----------
g| ----------------555-- |   -----------
d| ---777--222--555- |   -----------
a| ---777--222--333- |   (7)(5)(77)
e| ---555--000------- |   -5--3--55 
P.M. (palm mute)    

e| ----------------------------------
b| ----------------------------------
g| ----------------555-----------
d| ---777--222--555--7-5--77
a| ---777--222--333--7-5--77
e| ---555--000--------5--3--55 

(all over the verse)


The things we do to the people that  we love...
The way  we break if there's something that we can't take
We destroy the world that we took so long to make 
e| ----------------------------------
b| ----------------------------------
g| ----------------555-----------
d| ---777--222--555--7-5--77
a| ---777--222--333--7-5--77
e| ---555--000--------5--3--55 

We expect her gone   for sometime 

e|--------------------------  |  --------------------------------------
b|--------------------------  |  --------------------------------------
g|----101010101010----------  |  ----14141414141414141414--------------
d|---101010101010-----------  |  ----14141414141414141414--------------
a|---8-8-8-8-8-8-8----------  |  ----12121212121212121212--------------
e|--------------------------  |  --------------------------------------  

               P.M. (Palm Mute) 

I wish her safe from         harm

e|-------------------------------------- |  --------------------
b|-------------------------------------- |  --------------------
g|----14141414141414141414-------------- |  5555-------------
d|----14141414141414141414-------------- |  5555--5555----
a|----12121212121212121212-------------- |  3333--5555----
e|-------------------------------------- |  ---------3333----

To find yourself        in a foreign land
e|--------------------------  |  --------------------------------------
b|--------------------------  |  --------------------------------------
g|----101010101010----------  |  ----14141414141414141414-
d|---101010101010-----------  |  ----14141414141414141414-
a|---8-8-8-8-8-8-8----------  |  ----12121212121212121212-
e|--------------------------     --------------------------------------
Another refugee             Outsider refugee
e|-------------------------------------- |  --------------------
b|-------------------------------------- |  --------------------
g|----14141414141414141414-------------- |  5555-------------
d|----14141414141414141414-------------- |  5555--5555----
a|----12121212121212121212-------------- |  3333--5555----
e|-------------------------------------- |  ---------3333----


e| ----------------------------------
b| ----------------------------------
g| ----------------5----------------
d| ---7----2----5----7------------
a| ---7----2----3----7------------
e| ---5----0----------5------------
What happened to you?
e| ----------------------------------
b| ----------------------------------
g| ----------------5-------------
d| ---7----2----5----7-5---7
a| ---7----2----3----7-5---7-
e| ---5----0----------5--3--5- 


e| ----------------------------------
b| ----------------------------------
g| ---------------5----------------
d| ---7----2----5-----------------
a| ---7----2----3-----------------
e| ---5----0-----------------------

The rest of the song is the same so I am sure if you listen to the music you will figure it out.
This is my first tab and I tried to make this tab easy to understand because I get tabs that are
too wrong and too confused. I hope you guys enjoys.
Any suggestions,corrections and complements send me an e-mail (





The things we do to the people that  we love...
The way  we break if there's something that we can't take
We destroy the world that we took so long to make 

We expect her gone   for sometime 

g|--------------------------  |  ---------------------------------------
d|--------------------------  |  ---------------------------------------
a|---8-8-8-8-8-8-8----------  |  ----12121212121212121212-
e|--------------------------  |  -------------------------------------- 

I wish her safe from         harm

g|-------------------------------------- |  --------------------
d|-------------------------------------- |  --------------------
a|----12121212121212121212-------------- |  3333-------------
e|-------------------------------------- |  ---------3333----

To find yourself        in a foreign land

g|--------------------------  |  --------------------------------------
d|--------------------------  |  --------------------------------------
a|--------------------------  |  ----12121212121212121212-
e|--------------------------     -------------------------------------

Another refugee             Outsider refugee

g|--------------------------- |  -------------------
d|--------------------------- |  -------------------
a|--------------------------- |  3333-------------
e|--------------------------- |  ---------3333----


g| ---------------------------------
d| ---------------------------------
a| --------------3------------------
e| ---5----0----------5------------
What happened to you?
g| ------------------------------
d| ------------------------------
a| --------------3---------------
e| ---5----0----------5--3--5- 

g| -----------------------------------
d| -----------------------------------
a| -------------3--------------------
e| ---5----0-------------------------

	This tab is very easy to understand and it's 100 % correct but if you think that something 
is wrong please don't hesitate and correct it. Although this is my first tab
it's very correct and easy for you all. But I still have to tab Nigel's guitar because I only tabbed 
rythym guitar. I hope you guys enjoy. 
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