• Song:

    Blind Bleeding The Blind

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                          Blind Bleeding the Blind tabs

Blind Bleeding the Blind
(Tune down 2.5 steps to B)

Many thanks to jpm@muhos.fi for his help with this song!



(Two measures of 6/8, one of 4/8)
  e e e e e e   e e e e e e   e e q     e e e e e e   e e e e e e   e e q

The lick section, used also in the verses, is played over three chords (G5, F5,
F#5).  The subsequent progression is:
G5    D5   G#5    D#5    F5    C5   F#5

When Jeff sings "blood and tear - out damn spot, out..." both guitars play a
variation of the intro riff with different timing.
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