Please take the time to rate my contribution, Thankyou THIS SONG HAS BEEN TRANSPOSED INTO MANY KEYS AS LISTED BELOW I hope you enjoy my interpretation of this song ... Garry Smythe Please e mail me with any corrections or suggestions to:- ______________________________________________________________________________ Down To Earth Charlie Landsborough ______________________________________________________________________________ Charlie sings this in the key of A ______________________________________________________________________________ VERSE 1 A E7 Darling it's easy to blame someone else for your problems E7 A Finding relief in pointing your finger else where A E7 Sooner or later there's something you have to face up to E7 A You can't spend your whole life pretending it just isn't there. VERSE 2 A E7 You're playing the part of an untarnished heart that's been broken E7 A The unwilling victim of so much deception and lies A E7 When you've unravelled the nuts from the words you have spoken E7 A Just take a good look at yourself with those innocent eyes. CHORUS D A You are no angel and yet you?re expecting perf - ection E A A7 Compare me to saints when you're trying to establish my worth D A All I am asking of you is a change of dir - ection E A I'll be waiting to love you if ever you come down to earth. INSTRUMENTAL AS PER VERSE WITHOUT WORDS A E7 E7 A A E7 E7 A CHORUS D A You are no angel and yet you?re expecting perf - ection E A A7 Compare me to saints when you're trying to establish my worth D A All I am asking of you is a change of dir - ection E A I'll be waiting to love you if ever you come down to earth. E A I'll be waiting to love you if ever you come down to earth. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX VERSE 1 G D7 Darling it's easy to blame someone else for your problems D7 G Finding relief in pointing your finger else where G D7 Sooner or later there's something you have to face up to D7 G You can't spend your whole life pretending it just isn't there. VERSE 2 G D7 You're playing the part of an untarnished heart that's been broken D7 G The unwilling victim of so much deception and lies G D7 When you've unravelled the nuts from the words you have spoken D7 G Just take a good look at yourself with those innocent eyes. CHORUS C G You are no angel and yet you?re expecting perf - ection D G G7 Compare me to saints when you're trying to establish my worth C G All I am asking of you is a change of dir - ection D G I'll be waiting to love you if ever you come down to earth. INSTRUMENTAL AS PER VERSE WITHOUT WORDS G D7 D7 G G D7 D7 G CHORUS C G You are no angel and yet you?re expecting perf - ection D G G7 Compare me to saints when you're trying to establish my worth C G All I am asking of you is a change of dir - ection D G I'll be waiting to love you if ever you come down to earth. D G I'll be waiting to love you if ever you come down to earth. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX VERSE 1 C G7 Darling it's easy to blame someone else for your problems G7 C Finding relief in pointing your finger else where C G7 Sooner or later there's something you have to face up to G7 C You can't spend your whole life pretending it just isn't there. VERSE 2 C G7 You're playing the part of an untarnished heart that's been broken G7 C The unwilling victim of so much deception and lies C G7 When you've unravelled the nuts from the words you have spoken G7 C Just take a good look at yourself with those innocent eyes. CHORUS F C You are no angel and yet you?re expecting perf - ection G C C7 Compare me to saints when you're trying to establish my worth F C All I am asking of you is a change of dir - ection G C I'll be waiting to love you if ever you come down to earth. INSTRUMENTAL AS PER VERSE WITHOUT WORDS C G7 G7 C C G7 G7 C CHORUS F C You are no angel and yet you?re expecting perf - ection G C C7 Compare me to saints when you're trying to establish my worth F C All I am asking of you is a change of dir - ection G C I'll be waiting to love you if ever you come down to earth. G C I'll be waiting to love you if ever you come down to earth. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX VERSE 1 D A7 Darling it's easy to blame someone else for your problems A7 D Finding relief in pointing your finger else where D A7 Sooner or later there's something you have to face up to A7 D You can't spend your whole life pretending it just isn't there. VERSE 2 D A7 You're playing the part of an untarnished heart that's been broken A7 D The unwilling victim of so much deception and lies D A7 When you've unravelled the nuts from the words you have spoken A7 D Just take a good look at yourself with those innocent eyes. CHORUS G D You are no angel and yet you?re expecting perf - ection A D D7 Compare me to saints when you're trying to establish my worth G D All I am asking of you is a change of dir - ection A D I'll be waiting to love you if ever you come down to earth. INSTRUMENTAL AS PER VERSE WITHOUT WORDS D A7 A7 D D A7 A7 D CHORUS G D You are no angel and yet you?re expecting perf - ection A D D7 Compare me to saints when you're trying to establish my worth G D All I am asking of you is a change of dir - ection A D I'll be waiting to love you if ever you come down to earth. A D I'll be waiting to love you if ever you come down to earth. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX VERSE 1 E B7 Darling it's easy to blame someone else for your problems B7 E Finding relief in pointing your finger else where E B7 Sooner or later there's something you have to face up to B7 E You can't spend your whole life pretending it just isn't there. VERSE 2 E B7 You're playing the part of an untarnished heart that's been broken B7 E The unwilling victim of so much deception and lies E B7 When you've unravelled the nuts from the words you have spoken B7 E Just take a good look at yourself with those innocent eyes. CHORUS A E You are no angel and yet you?re expecting perf - ection B E E7 Compare me to saints when you're trying to establish my worth A E All I am asking of you is a change of dir - ection B E I'll be waiting to love you if ever you come down to earth. INSTRUMENTAL AS PER VERSE WITHOUT WORDS E B7 B7 E E B7 B7 E CHORUS A E You are no angel and yet you?re expecting perf - ection B E E7 Compare me to saints when you're trying to establish my worth A E All I am asking of you is a change of dir - ection B E I'll be waiting to love you if ever you come down to earth. B E I'll be waiting to love you if ever you come down to earth. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX VERSE 1 F C7 Darling it's easy to blame someone else for your problems C7 F Finding relief in pointing your finger else where F C7 Sooner or later there's something you have to face up to C7 F You can't spend your whole life pretending it just isn't there. VERSE 2 F C7 You're playing the part of an untarnished heart that's been broken C7 F The unwilling victim of so much deception and lies F C7 When you've unravelled the nuts from the words you have spoken C7 F Just take a good look at yourself with those innocent eyes. CHORUS Bb F You are no angel and yet you?re expecting perf - ection C F F7 Compare me to saints when you're trying to establish my worth Bb F All I am asking of you is a change of dir - ection C F I'll be waiting to love you if ever you come down to earth. INSTRUMENTAL AS PER VERSE WITHOUT WORDS F C7 C7 F F C7 C7 F CHORUS Bb F You are no angel and yet you?re expecting perf - ection C F F7 Compare me to saints when you're trying to establish my worth Bb F All I am asking of you is a change of dir - ection C F I'll be waiting to love you if ever you come down to earth. C F I'll be waiting to love you if ever you come down to earth. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX