Chickenfoot - Dubai Blues
From the album 'Chickenfoot III'
Eb tuning (all strings lowered by one fret/semitone)
tabbed by jjhand

Intro (0:19) - after pick scrape, played 2x
    A7               D                          A

Throughout Verse, Guitar 2 plays a muted open string in sixteenths. Note is 
shown above the bars.

Verse Part 1 - 

Guitar 1, Guitar 3 in ()


Verse Part 2 - 
  Guitar 1
  D                                  A 
| Guitar 3

Verse Part 3
  Guitar 1
| Guitar 3

Chorus (1:07) - Play Intro, add lick at 1:13

Verse 2 - Played similarly with same licks/slides

Chorus 2 -

Bridge - play similarly 3x
| Lead

Bridge End - Play same Rhythm, Lead plays:

Solo -

Rhythm Part (bass plays harmony with this line), played 2x

 Lead Solo -  start off with term bar dive to return to 12 fret pitch




Play Verse Again

Play Chorus 2x

Lead Lick 1 in Final Chorus

Lead Lick 2 (in repeat)

(3:49) Outro Solo Part 1, Solo Rhythm Part is played as well


(4:07) Gets Quiet - guitar parts start overlapping in Am/pentatonic riffs



The parts get overlapped and hard to follow towards the end but this should give you an idea.


| /   slide up
| \   slide down
| h   hammer-on
| p   pull-off
| ~   vibrato
| +   harmonic
| x   Mute note
| b   Bend
| pb  Pre-bend
| r  Bend release
| pbr Pre-bend release
| brb Bend release bend

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