Guitar 1
|--------------------| \
|--------------------|  \
|--------------------|   x5
|---11-9------11-9-7-|  /
|-9-------9-9--------| /

While Guitar 2 plays:

|------------------------------------| \
|------------------------------------|  \
|------------------------------------|   x2
|-4-4-4-4--7-7-7-7--4-4-4-4--9-9-9-9-|  /
|-4-4-4-4--7-7-7-7--4-4-4-4--9-9-9-9-| /

Both Guitars:



Chorus: Both Guitars
|------------------------------------| \
|------------------------------------|  \
|------------------------------------|  x2
|-4-4-4-4--7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7--9-9-9-9--|  /
|-4-4-4-4--7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7--9-9-9-9--| /


Guitar 1


Both Guitars:

|---|                  |----------------|
|---|                  |----------------|
|---|                  |-4-4--4-4--4-4--|
|-4-| x40! (VERY FAST) |-4-4--4-4--4-4--|
|-4-|                  |-2-2--2-2--2-2--|
|-2-|                  |----------------|

Chorus: Both Guitars

|------------------------------------| \
|------------------------------------|  \
|------------------------------------|  x2
|-4-4-4-4--7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7--9-9-9-9--|  /
|-4-4-4-4--7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7--9-9-9-9--| /


Both Guitars:


Both Guitars:

Keep playing muted while sliding down to the next note.
|-                   -|             |---|
|-                   -|             |---|
|-                   -|  x4  then a |---|
|-4 ------> 9 ---> 12-|             |-4-|
|-4 ------> 9 ---> 12-|             |-4-|
|-2 ------> 7 ---> 10-|             |-2-|
  x xxxxxxx   xxxx

Both Guitars:


Then it goes right into the Chorus:

|------------------------------------| \
|------------------------------------|  \
|------------------------------------|  x2
|-4-4-4-4--7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7--9-9-9-9--|  /
|-4-4-4-4--7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7--9-9-9-9--| /


Guitar 1:

|--------------------| \
|--------------------|  \
|--------------------|   x5
|---11-9------11-9-7-|  /
|-9-------9-9--------| /

Guitar 2:

|-                   -|
|-                   -| 
|-                   -|
|-4 ------> 9 ---> 12-|   
|-4 ------> 9 ---> 12-|
|-2 ------> 7 ---> 10-|  
  x xxxxxxx   xxxx

|-            -| 
|-            -|
|-4 ------> 9 -|   
|-4 ------> 9 -|
|-2 ------> 7 -|  
  x xxxxxxx  

Both Guitars:

|-4-| x3
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