• Song:

    Waves Of Grace

  • Artist:

    David Noble

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Verse 1: 
D5              A5        E5         G5 
The walls are high, the walls are strong 
D5                      A5 
I've been locked in this castle 
E5               G5 
That I've built for far too long 
D5              A5           E5           G5 
You have surrounded me, a sea on every side 
D5               A5                E5            G5 
The cracks are forming and I've got nowhere to hide 
Now I see 
    E5                   G5 
The walls I've built are falling 
         D5                  A5            E5  G5 
And your waves of grace are washing over me 
Verse 2: 
My heart's been hard, I have been blind 
I have often worked so hard to keep you from my mind 
I have ruled my life, in a palace built on sand 
I want you to reign, Lord, take me by the hand 
Verse 3: 
Lord please reign in every part 
I give my life to you 
I open up my heart 
I want to be like you, I want to seek your face 
O Lord please wash me in your awesome waves of grace
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