• Song:

    Altering The Future

  • Artist:


  • Album:

    Fate: The Best of Death

Everyone who loads this tab please go to http://www.emptywords.org

                        Version 2.0 - October 1997

Transcribed by: Richard Broadhead II(Displacer)
for questions, comments, corrections, or newest version please email Rich at

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Tuning:D, tune every string down one step

.  - palm mute                          /  - slide up to                       
  - slide down to                      ~  - vibrato                            
h  - hammer on                          b  - bend 
p  - pull off                              Suffixes for bend    
t  - tap with finger                            f - full bend    h - half bend
() - ghost note                                 r - release      t - tap bend
*  - see comment                                p - pick when bent 

                    Riff A-----------|

Play Riff A a total of 4 times, then an E5 

 Riff B                                     G Tritone(just incase you 
|-------------------------|               |---------| didn't know what
|-------------------------|               |---------| one was)
|-------------------------|               |---------|
|-6-----------------------|               |---------|
|---5-----4---3-----------|               |---4-----|
|-----4-3---5---4-5-4-3-2-|               |---3-----|

Play Riff B 8 times, in the beginning G triad is play several times.
First time only one guitar plays

 Riff C

Play Riff C 2 times, on the second time leave out the last three notes
Play Riff B 4 times
 Riff D                                  | 1,3
    ...............   ................   ...............................
  ________________________________    _______________
 | 2.                                | 4.
  ................................   ................

 Riff E

 continuation of Riff E

 continuation of Riff E

 Riff F

 continuation of Riff F

Play Riff F twice

Riff G
  ........ ........ ........  ................  ....... ........ ........

continuation of Riff G
  ........ ........ ........ ................ ........ ........ ........

Play Riff G 4 times.


Riff H
Play Riff H four times

 Riff I
|----------------------------------| GTR I
| .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .
|----------------------------------| GTR II

Play Riff I twice
Play Riff H twice
Play Riff I twice
Play Riff H twice
Play Riff I twice, but on the second time, play only the first 3/4.

Play Riff B 8 times, in the beginning a G Triad is played sometimes
Play Riff C 2 times, on second time leave out last three notes
Play Riff B 4 times
Play Riff D
Play Riff E
End with E5 power chord
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