Artist: Derek Webb
Song: What is Not Love
Album: I See Things Upside Down

Chords Used:(these may not be the ACTUAL names, but they'll do for this tab)

Fmaj7   - x33210
C       - x32010
Cmaj7   - x32000
Fmaj2   - 133010
Fmaj2,6 - 130010
G       - 320003 (or 320033)
Gsus4    - 3x2013
Gmaj7sus- x23010
Am      - x02210
D2/F#   - 200230
D       - xx0232

G--0--0h2-2-2--0-0h2-2-2--0-0h2--| many times

Verse 1:
                C   Cmaj7   Fmaj2 Fmaj2,6
What looks like failure is success
                    G-Gsus4-G     C    Gmaj7sus
And what looks like poverty is riches
             C Cmaj7                Fmaj2  Fmaj2,6
When what is true looks more like a knife
                     G         Gsus4 G
It looks like you're killing me
But you're saving my life

Am      D2/F#  G            C     Cmaj7 Fmaj7
  But I give myself to what looks like love
      D2/F#  G             C     Cmaj7 Fmaj7
And I sell myself for what feels like love
      D2/F#  G        C  Cmaj7 Fmaj7 (hammer strings 2,3)
And I pay to get what is not love
                    D (hammer string 3)  G  Gsus4  G
And all just because I see things upside down

Verse 2:
What looks like weakness can do anything
And what looks like foolishness is understanding
When what is powerful has not come to fight
It looks like you're going to war
But you lay down your life

Chorus x1

(verse chords x1)
C Cmaj7 Fmaj2 Fmaj2,6

G Gsus4 G C Gmaj7sus

C Cmaj7 Fmaj2 Fmaj2,6

G Gsus4 G C

Verse 3:
What looks like torture is a time to rejoice
What sounds like thunder is a comforting voice
When what is beautiful looks broken and crushed
And I say I don't know you
But you say it's finished

When what is beautiful looks broken and crushed
And I say I don't know you
But you say it's finished

When what is beautiful looks broken and crushed
And I say I don't know you
But you say it's finished

That's it! For suggestions, corrections, ans requests, email me:
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