                             Red Clouds - Disarmonia Mundi

Tuning B E A D F# B

Intro (0:19) fade in

Riff 1 (0:21) play 4 times
     x . .    x . .     . .      .      . .     . .

Riff 2a (0:43) play twice
          . .         .  . .          . .

Riff 2b (0:54) play twice
|-----------------------------------------------6-7---------| gtr 1
          . .         .  . .          . .

|-7\6-7\6-----7\6-7\6---------7\6-7\6-----7\6-7-------------| gtr 2
          . .         .  . .          . .

Riff 3 (1:05) play twice

Fill 1 (1:27)
  R R L L R R L L R R L L R R L L R R L L R R 

Riff 1 x 1 (1:32)
Riff 2a x 1 (1:54)
Riff 2b x 1 (2:05)
Riff 3 x 1 (2:16)
Fill 1 x 1 (2:38)
Riff 1 x 1 (2:43)

Fill 2 (3:05)
  .   .   .     .   .    .

Riff 4 (3:11) play 4 times. Note: for guitar 2, { - } indicates 
chord is played on second and fourth time, instead of chord originally transcribed. 

                              [on second and fourth time]
|-5h7h9p5-----------5-------|----------| gtr 1

|-9{7}------------5{7}------|-({7})----| gtr 2

Riff 5 (3:22) is much too hard to hear because of the harmonies and keyboard parts. 
I will try and add it later.

Riff 4 x 1 (3:33)

Riff 6 (3:22) Under solo, play twice

Riff 7a (4:05)
  . .   .   .   . . . .   .   .       .   .   .   . . . .   .   .   .

Riff 7b (4:05) play twice
  . .   .    .   . . . .   .   .    .

Riff 7a x 1 (4:16)
Riff 7b x 1 (4:21)
Riff 1 x 1 (4:27)
Riff 3 x 1 (4:49)
Fill 1 x 1 (5:11)
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