Hello everybody,the following is the basic chords structure of the amazing Nick
Drake's song,from the album Five leaves left,called "'Cello Song".

D                      A
Strange face, with your eyes
   G         D
So pale and sincere.
D                   A
Underneath you know well
         G          D
You have nothing to fear.
         G           D      Emin         D
For the dreams that came to you when so young
G          D
Told of a life
Emin             D
Where spring is sprung.


Amin                       C  G  E     
Mhhhh   Mhh mh mh mh mh mh mh mh Mhhhhhhhh  [x2]

Now just do the chord "A,",after the chord "E",to better link the next singed part

D                  A
You would seem so frail
       G           D
In the cold of the night
         D         A
When the armies of emotion
G         D
Go out to fight.
G             D      Emin         D
But while the earth sinks to its grave
    G            D
You sail to the sky
Emin              D
On the crest of a wave.

And again

Amin                       C  G  E     
Mhhhh   Mhh mh mh mh mh mh mh mh Mhhhhhhhh  [x2]

D                     A
So forget this cruel world
G       D
Where I belong
          D       A
I'll just sit and wait
    G       D
And sing my song.
G          D               Emin         D
And if one day you should see me in the crowd
Emin                D
Lend a hand and lift me
Emin                  D
To your place in the cloud.

Amin                       C  G  E     
Mhhhh   Mhh mh mh mh mh mh mh mh Mhhhhhhhh  [x2]

Thank you

Francesco from Italy
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