BackStabber - The Dresden Dolls
Tabbed by:Jag


This song is on piano and tends to use long strings of melody wich are for the most part 
but there are also some chords given that can go over it

Also, before any of you star the song is in in the Key of G Major, which means that ther 
no A Major in the song because C# isn't in the key, therefore it is an Em


E|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|  x2

Riff 1   (variations used throughout the entire first verse)

G           D
the record goes
     Em           C
from blue to gold
   G              D        Em      C
so thank you for all your help
  G              D
I know you want
   Em       C
to jump around
    G          D          Em     C
but try to contain yourself

           C                G               D
you always struck me as the type to take it lightly
               C             G                  D
but now you're gonna have to shut your mouth or fight me...

(let ring)    (let ring)
Em             C
backstabber, backstabber....

Apredgigate chords but listen to the song to figure out how---------------------------]
       G            D                                                  
you're all alone                                                                      ]
       Em           C                                                  
you're all over                                                                       ]
    G        D     Em      C                         
the popular magazines                                                                 ]
     G              D                                                  
will never care                                                                       ]
     Em               C                                                
what do you care                                                                      ]
  G        D         Em      C                       
you're down with the Japanese                                                         ]
                  C                  G         D              
but you've got no right to sit there saying I abuse it                                ]
              C                    G                   D      
when you only sleep with girls who say they like your music                           ]

(muted but slowly pull your wrist off the stings as you get closer to the end)
Em                      C
backstabber backstabber backstabber backstabber
Em                      C
backstabber backstabber backstabber backstabber

G            D
backstabber! hope grabber!
Em            C
greedy little fit haver!
G       D        Em        C
god, I feel for you, fool.....
G           D
shit lover! off brusher!
Em          C
jaded bitter joy crusher!
G           D         Em        C
failure has made you so cruel....

Intro Riffx2

 G          D
rotten to the core
Em             C
rotten to the core
G          D
rotten like a crackwhore
Em             C
begging out the backdoor
G        D          Em   C
show us what you’re good for
 G          D
post it to the noise board
Em             C
come on join the bloodsport
G             D
show us some support, still
Em          C
working at the drugstore
G             D        Em   C
is it because you’re A FU-CKING

Em                      C
backstabber backstabber backstabber backstabber
Em                      C
backstabber backstabber backstabber backstabber

G            D
backstabber! hope grabber!
Em            C
greedy little fit haver!
G       D        Em        C
god, I feel for you, fool.....
G           D
shit lover! off brusher!
Em          C
jaded bitter joy crusher!
G           D         Em        C
failure has made you so cruel....

         Em             G
so don't tell me how to write
          Em               G
and don't tell me that I'm wrong......
          Em             G            Em       G     
and don't tell me not to reference my songs within my songs

Em                      C
backstabber backstabber backstabber backstabber
Em                      C
backstabber backstabber backstabber backstabber

G           D
Em         D
G            D
backstabber! hope grabber!
Em            C
greedy little fit haver!
G           D
Em        C

Intro Riff x2
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