exodus - funeral hunm

  any questions - email  zeke_guitar@msn.com

  tunning - standard
                                  you will have to listen
           intro                    the palm mutin part
                                 cuz it' ssomthing like that
  P.M.                    ...... ......  .. .. ..... ..

        this is like it but to be
      correct just listen to the cd

   P.M.           . .

   thats all i will give you the rest really soon except for the solo its
                          extreme its exodus though

   come great the reaper you know that time is nigh this is the day your    reckoning 
time to die brave man spilling fear to the sound of my voice,
         say goobye to life so dear you dont eva have a choise.

  stay exodus !!!!  thanx for redin my tab
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