From: (Martin McCarthy)

Greig Chisholm inquires:
> Does anybody have the tab for Meet on the Ledge by Fairport Convention and
>could they post it or e-mail it. Thanks in advance.

Goodness me, it's a while since I played that one.  No tab, but here's the
words and chords as best as I can remember them.  (Any corrections most
gratefully accepted).

Meet On The Ledge - Fairport Convention

A   F#m*       A      Em*          A     F#m           Em Em7
 We used to say that, come the day, we'd all be making songs
G           D             G            D            A
 Or finding better words.  These ideas never lasted long.
    F#m*     A  Em*          A    F#m            Em Em7
The way is up along the road. The air is growing thin.
G         D                      G              D        A
 Too many friends who tried were blown off this mountain with the wind.

A                              Em
Meet on the ledge; we're gonna meet on the ledge.
G                D
When the time is up I'm gonna see all my friends.
A                              Em
Meet on the ledge; we're gonna meet on the ledge.
G             D
If you really mean it, it all comes round again.

A F#m*    A    Em*       A              F#m          Em Em7
 Now I see I'm all alone. But that's the only way to be.
G                 D            G             D               A
 You'll have your chance again; then you can do the work for me.

Meet on...etc.

NB: the F#m and Em marked with a '*' - I'm almost sure that I used to
play a Bm for these two chords, but the F#m and Em sound better just
now. (I have a guitar with me, but not the record).  You might like to
stick Bm in there if it sounds better for you.

Martin McCarthy -

From Mon Jun 27 09:04:27 1994
From: (Alan L. Bostick)
Date: Mon, 27 Jun 1994 02:58:48 GMT

Martin McCarthy ( posts chords to Fairport
Convention's "Meet on the Ledge." He says,

>NB: the F#m and Em marked with a '*' - I'm almost sure that I used to
>play a Bm for these two chords, but the F#m and Em sound better just
>now. (I have a guitar with me, but not the record).  You might like to
>stick Bm in there if it sounds better for you.

If you are playing the song in A, the marked chords should indeed be Bm.

Actually, though, on the album, the song is played in B-flat.
(Someone's playing a piano on the track, so it's really not too

Here are the chords of the song, in Bb:

MEET ON THE LEDGE - Fairport Convention
(Richard Thompson, Island Music [BMI])

Bb   Cm         Bb      Cm           Bb     Gm            Fm Fm7
  We used to say  that, come the day,  we'd all be making songs
Ab           Eb           Ab            Eb           Bb
  Or finding better words.  These ideas never lasted long.
      Cm       Bb Cm            Bb    Gm             Fm Fm7
  The way is up  along the road.  The air is growing thin.
Ab         Eb               Bb               Eb                Bb
  Too many friends who tried  blown off this mountain with the wind.

(Short bridge in F major, with guitar figure in descending parallel sixths)

Bb                             Fm
Meet on the ledge; we're gonna meet on the ledge.
Ab               Eb
When the time is up I'm gonna see all my friends.
Bb                             Fm
Meet on the ledge; we're gonna meet on the ledge.
Ab            Eb
If you really mean it, it all comes round again.

Bb Cm       Bb    Cm        Bb               Gm          Fm Fm7
   Now I see  I'm all alone.  But that's the only way to be.
Ab                  Eb           Ab             Eb              Bb
   You'll have your chance again;  then you can do the work for me.

Meet on...etc.

Between the chorus and the next verse is a guitar figure backed by the
piano playing in F:


Which resolves to Bb at the start of the verse.

		-- Alan Bostick

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