               THINK OF YOUR FAVORITE PLACE - Four Letter Lie
Tabbed by: Bloodgiver

Tuning: Drop Db

Lead Guitar (Connor Kelly)(0:01-0:11)
x2                       ^^^^ This part here is speed picking

Rhythm Guitar (Kevin Skaff)(0:01-0:11)
x2    End on the (5) bar on the 2nd time

Lead Guitar (0:11-0:17)

Rhythm Guitar (0:11-0:17)

Lead Guitar (0:17-0:29)

Rhythm Guitar (0:17-0:29)

Lead and Rhythm Guitars (0:29-0:41)

Lead and Rhythm Guitars (0:41-0:46)

Lead and Rhythm Guitars (0:46-0:58)

Lead Guitar (0:58-1:10)
x2                       ^^^^ This part here is speed picking

Rhythm Guitar (0:58-1:10)
x2    End on the (5) bar on the 2nd time

Lead Guitar (1:10-1:16)
^^^^^^^ This part goes by pretty fast so listen for it.

Rhythm Guitar (1:10-1:16)

Lead and Rhythm Guitars (1:16-1:25)
Instead of ending on (5) the second time do the next part below

Lead and Rhythm Guitars (1:25-1:30)
^^^^^^ This is all palm muted

Lead Guitar (1:30-1:36)

Rhythm Guitar (1:30-1:36)

Lead and Rhythm Guitars (1:36-1:41)

Lead and Rhythm Guitars (1:41-2:05)

Lead and Rhythm Guitars (2:05-2:11)
^^^^^^ Start Slow but gradually pick up speed

Lead and Rhythm Guitars (2:11-2:45) ("Breakdown")
x2      Play the (0)'s on the last time and let ring

Lead and Rhythm Guitars (2:45-2:51)

Lead and Rhythm Guitars (2:51-2:57)

Lead and Rhythm Guitars (2:57-3:32)

Lead Guitar (3:32-3:48)

Rhythm Guitar (3:32-3:48)

I'm about 99% sure this is correct but please leave comments if there are
any mistakes you see. I will also be making a tab on "Pretty/Ugly" soon and
one for "Cake Eater". There might be a possibility of making one for 
"What A Terrible Thing To Say" but there will be many mistakes on that tab.


| /   slide up
| \   slide down
| h   hammer-on
| p   pull-off
| ~   vibrato
| +   harmonic
| x   Mute note
| b   Bend
| pb  Pre-bend
| br  Bend release
| pbr Pre-bend release
| brb Bend release bend

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