• Song:

    The Virginborn

  • Artist:


  • Album:

    Destroyer: Or About How...

                |  _______________________________  |
                | |  _   _  _  _   _  _  _ ___    | |
                | | / \ / \| \/ \ / \| \/ \ | | | | |
                | | |   | || ||   | || || | | |_| | |
                | | | __| ||_/| __| ||_/| | | | | | |
                | | \_/|\_/| \\_/|\_/| \\_/ | | | | |
                | |  T H E   V I R G I N B O R N  | |
                | |             FROM              | |
                | |   DESTROYER OR ABOUT HOW TO   | |
                | | PHILOSOPHIZE WITH THE HAMMER  | |
                | |              BY               | |
                | |         BAUGHB MATCUK         | |
                | |      (TABS@COMPHELP.NET)      | |
                | |_______________________________| |
                 for a one Cameron, your welcome =)

Standard Tuning

Start with an Em chord (all strings open, 2nd fret on A and D)

Riff 1 - x8

Riff 2 - x4
        ..                         ..

Riff 3 - x4
             ^- Bend half step

Riff 4 - x4

Riff 5 - x4

Play Riff 4 - x4
End on E power chord (open on low E, 2nd fret on A)

Riff 6 - x12 (Gtr 1 only on last 8 repeats)

Riff 6, Gtr 2 - x8 (This is only played during the last 8 repeats)

End on E power chord.

Sounds right to me, but I'm open to suggestions. Particularly that
last riff, I think it's right, but at the same time it sounds wrong.
Whatever =)
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