• Song:

    Arenas De Soledad

  • Artist:

    Habana Blues

This is a Soundtrack song for the Movie Habana Blues. Hope you like it.
Most of the Chords are modified so I attach a little diagram of how they are made :)

Rythm pattern is very simple and goes like this: V= Down; ^= Up ; x= Mute sound. ( V ^ x x V x x x V x x )

Bm9 (x2022x@1)      Bm/5*        Bm/7*
0           2            2  
2           3            3 
2           4            3
x           5            4
2           2            2
x           x            x

BmEmpezar (x24432@1)de nuevo,
Bm9sin (x2022x@1)destino y sin tener
un camino cierto que
   Bm9 (x2022x@1)      Bm/7*
me ensene a no perder la fe
Bmy (x24432@1)escapar de este dolor
Bm9sin (x2022x@1)pensar en lo que fue,
?cuanto aguanta un coraz0n
 Bm9 (x2022x@1)        Bm/7*
sin el latido de creer?


[More likely, chorus part is just a picking that follows this string pattern on every chord: ]

     Bm (x24432@1)         F#m7 (131141@2)       A (x02220@1)         EE (022100@1)---------2-----------2----------0-------------0---|
B ----3-----------2-----------2------------0--------|
G --4---4-------3---3-------2---2--------1---1------|
D --------------------------------------------------|
A --------------------------------------------------|
E --------------------------------------------------|

BmEn (x24432@1)lo bello en la verdad
          F#m7de (131141@2)la esperanza de esta sed de amar
       Aen (x02220@1)los sentimientos que se quedan
Esuenos (022100@1)que perduran
Bmy (x24432@1)busqu? y subi y fui preso
          F#m7entre (131141@2)las alas del amor
       Asin (x02220@1)distancia y sin recuerdos
       Een (022100@1)las arenas de esta soledad

BmPresa (x24432@1)de un silencio roto,
hijos del amanecer,
Bm7que (x20202@1)nunca alcanz0 esa luz
tan confundida en el placer
Bmy (x24432@1)cierro los ojos,
s0lo para comprender,
Bm7cuanto (x20202@1)aguanta un coraz0n
sin el latido de creer.

     Bm (x24432@1)         F#m7 (131141@2)       A (x02220@1)         EE (022100@1)---------2-----------2----------0-------------0---|
B ----3-----------2-----------2------------0--------|
G --4---4-------3---3-------2---2--------1---1------|
D --------------------------------------------------|
A --------------------------------------------------|
E --------------------------------------------------|

Please rate and comment. If you have the solo of this song please Mail me and I'll add it to the tab.

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