Capo on the 4th Fret.
All chords relative to capo.


E Asus2 Dsus2 Asus2 E


EAll (022100@1)alone
On the floor
        Dsus2 (xx0230@1)   Asus2 (x02200@1)       ENext (022100@1)to your twin-bed box-spring and mattress
EThe (022100@1)door
Is ajar
From afar
        Asus2 (x02200@1)    EYou (022100@1)can hear bands practicing

E (022100@1)                       Asus2And (x02200@1)When they dream they all
       Dsus2 (xx0230@1)name="chord_x02200@1">Asus2     EDream (022100@1)of somebody like you
E (022100@1)                         Asus2Somebody (x02200@1)who takes what they make
              Dsus2 (xx0230@1)           Asus2 (x02200@1)ETwice (022100@1)as seriously as they could ever hope to do
EAnd (022100@1)when you dream
You dream of a day...


B (x2444x@1)          Asus2 (x02200@1)                      EWhen (022100@1)you find something you could love half as much
        Asus2 (x02200@1)      EAs (022100@1)you love all your little round mirrors
      B (x2444x@1)        Asus2 (x02200@1)                E (022100@1)         Asus2See (x02200@1)yourself reflected in one, theres a hole in the middle
EYou (022100@1)can't seem to fill


B  Asus2  E Asus2 Asus2 X2

EBring (022100@1)them home
Watch them go
        Dsus2 (xx0230@1)     Asus2 (x02200@1)      EAll (022100@1)you know is you hope they'll hurry back
EAnd (022100@1)you cry
Asus2 (x02200@1)                 Dsus2 (xx0230@1)Asus2Then (x02200@1)you lie your frail body down
       ELike (022100@1)a penny on a railroad track
E (022100@1)              Asus2And (x02200@1)even if they stay in touch
    Dsus2 (xx0230@1)    Asus2 (x02200@1) EThe (022100@1)past stays in the past
EBut (022100@1)every time
    Asus2 (x02200@1)            Dsus2 (xx0230@1) Asus2 (x02200@1) EYou (022100@1)crash a little bit harder than the last
E (022100@1)                Asus2And (x02200@1)every time you crash don't you


Esus2/B        Asus2Wanna (x02200@1)find something you could love
        E (022100@1)         Asus2 (x02200@1)        EHalf (022100@1)as much as you love all your little round mirrors
Esus2/B        Asus2See (x02200@1)yourself reflected in one
          E (022100@1)         Asus2 (x02200@1)     EThere's (022100@1)a hole in the middle you can't seem to fill


B  Asus2  E Asus2 Asus2 X2


EA (022100@1)shooting star is
A little piece of
E (022100@1)                      Asus2 (x02200@1)    Dsus2 (xx0230@1)  ECosmic (022100@1)debris desperately wanting to fall to earth
EIt (022100@1)doesn't get too far
It's not a real star
E (022100@1)                     Asus2 (x02200@1)     Dsus2 (xx0230@1)  EIt's (022100@1)hardly even worth footnotes in your memoir
EShoulder (022100@1)to shoulder
Up on our tip-toes
EChewing (022100@1)our fingers
    Asus2 (x02200@1)     Dsus2And (xx0230@1)craning our necks
        EJust (022100@1)to see
EQuite (022100@1)the collection
Divide by section
E (022100@1)                   Asus2 (x02200@1)           Dsus2It's (xx0230@1)just a surrogate connection leaving you


Eall (022100@1)alone
       Asus2On (x02200@1)the floor 
        Dsus2 (xx0230@1)   Asus2 (x02200@1)  Enext (022100@1)to your twin-bed box-spring and mattress
EThe (022100@1)door
Still ajar
          Dsus2 (xx0230@1) Asus2 (x02200@1)     EThere (022100@1)you are and now you're coming to stay until


B (x2444x@1)        Asus2 (x02200@1)                  EYou (022100@1)can find someone who will love you as much
       Asus2 (x02200@1)       EAs (022100@1)you love all your little round mirrors
B (x2444x@1)            Asus2Murdering (x02200@1)your town in cold blood
          E (022100@1)          Asus2 (x02200@1)    EThere's (022100@1)a hole in the middle you can't seem to fill


B  Asus2  E Asus2 Asus2 X4

Oh, and heres the little Horn Part, but not relative to the Capo


Enjoy and long live harvey danger!
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