A5          E5         A5     E5                                 D5           A5 
Gather 'round me and lend an ear 'cause I've got something you ought to hear 
            E5                     D5       E5         A5 
I'm telling you that you ought to fear a certain kind of love. 
A5                       E5            A5    E5                  D5          A5 
Now it can strike both day and night and just as quick as a rattler's bite  
E5                                     D5                E5      A5 
You've got a case of love at first sight and it's what you're dying of. 
It's just bing bang boom one two three feeling as normal as you can be 

(I fell the 2nd he looked at me) 
It was bing bang boom lickety split it doesn't come on bit by bit  
                E5      D5          E5                  A5 
It was instantly in full swing and it's bing bang boom 
A5              E5      A5   E5                                   D5   A5  
Now I was foot loose and fancy free I had respect and I had dignity  
               E5                          D5          E5   A5 
And then this thing got a hold of me and still would not let go 
( A5 )    E5                 A5           E5              D5                 A5 
I walk in and heart beat jumped by hair stood up and my skin goose bumped 
          D5                               E5          D5           A5 
My mind went blank and my I.Q. slumped and my jaw just hit the floor 

go to chorus with (  ) 
Now my obligations slide and I do not even care  
I spend all my waking hours walking on thin air so friends you best beware. 

  A5       E5      A5      E5                              D5      A5 
That's exactly how you behave if you get hit by this tidal wave  
       E5                        D5         E5  A5 
You won't even have time to save you sinking sanity. 
It's just bing bang boom         
            bing bang boom 
            bing bing boom 
     D5          E5                                   A5 
It gets instantly in full swing and it's bing bang boom.
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