Himsa - Kiss Or Kill
Tuning- (D G C F A D)

1st riff
on the fourth time the second guitarist comes in with the second riff \/

while second guitar plays this

2nd riff
while second guitar plays this

                                                            end intro
main verse 




after two times through, add the intro riff over the above progression

then, back into main verse w/ dbl kick


second guitarist comes in with this

---3 sl-4--------------3 sl 4------------------------------------------------------------------
---3-sl-4----2 sl 3----3 sl 4----2 sl 3--------------------------------------------------------------------
-------------2 sl 3--------------2 sl 3-----1--1--1----4--4--4---------------------------------------
---3 sl-4--------------3 sl 4------------------------------------------------------------------
---3-sl-4----2 sl 3----3 sl 4----2 sl 3------2-2-2----------------------------------------------------------
-------------2 sl 3--------------2 sl 3--------------------------------------------------

1st riff again


on the 3rd this time the second guitarist comes in with this  \/

2nd riff

 SO f*cking HOPELESS!


tapping part over above riff·if I didnât do this right, or it doesnât make sense, just ask me to show it to you·

double tap here
--------------pull offs on the way down--------------------------------------------
--------------hammer on the way up-------------------------------------------------

same technique as above, move the whole thing down a half step

repeat first tapping part again·then·

----15t15p11p8p0h8h11h15t15p11p8p0h8h11h15t15p11p8p0h8h11h15t15p11p8p0 ------------
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