DETUNE GUITAR 1 SEMITONE TO Eb Eb G# C# F# Bb Eb --------------------------------------------------------- Intro: There are essentially three sections to this song apart from the intro (which I don't know how to play but it may just be thrashing all the strings open). Here is an example of all three sections: S= slide Note- The whole tune includes a large amount of tremolo picking Section 1 B------------------------------------------------------------------- G---8--s-10--s-8---8--s--10----8-----x-----x-----x--x-----x-----x--- D---x----x-----x---x-----x--s--x-----8--s--10-s--8--8--s--10-s--6--- A---6--s-8--s--6---6--s--8--s--6-----x-----x-----x--x-----x--s--6--- E---x----x-----x---x-----x-----x-----6--s--8--s--6--6--s--8--s--4--- D E D D E D A B A A B G Play section 1 twice before quickly moving to section 2 Section 2 e----------------------------------------------------------------- B-x------x-----x----x-----x-------x-----x---10---x--10----x--10--- G-13----12-----8---13----12-------8-----x---10---x--10----x--10--- D-x------x-----x----x-----x-------x-----x---10---x--10----x--10--- A-11----10-----6---11----10-------6-----x----8---x---8----x---8--- E-x------x-----x----x-----x-------x-----x----x---x---x----x---x---- G F# D G F# D * E * E * E * = finger position of E (x8101010x) but totally mute chord when striking it. Play section 2 twice before quickly moving to section 3. Section 3 e------------------------------------------ B---8----6-----5-----8------6------5----4-- G---8----6-----5-----8------6------5----5-- D---8----6-----5-----8------6------5----6-- A---6----4-----3-----6------4------3----6-- E---x----x-----x-----x------x------x----4-- D C B D C B G Play section 3 twice before quickly moving back to section 1. Note: section 3 is also used to finish the song.