Chords Used G - 320030 Gmaj7 - 3X0032 Em - 022000 Am - X02210 D - XX0232 D/F# - 2X0033 C - X35553 Cm - X35543 Bm - X24432 A#m - X13321 Verse ( G - Gmaj7 - G - Em - Am - D - G - Gmaj7 ) Day will break, Stars will fall, And there's always something you forget to say. Don’t dismay, True friends never part. Time will pass, Paths will stray And there’ll always be someone who'll break your heart. There's no point being cruel, True friends never part. Chorus: AmWe’ll (x02210@1)meet again, D (xx0232@1) Trust me my friend, G (320003@1)D/F# (200232@1) EmTheres (022000@1)no harm in goodbye. AmGive (x02210@1)me your glass, DFollow (xx0232@1)your heart, G (320003@1)D/F# (200232@1) EmWipe (022000@1)that tear from your eye. CTime (x32010@1)makes amends, Cm (x3101x@1)Dont be afraid, Bm (x24432@1) Youll not let love pass you by. Bm - A#m - Am Remember this DTrue (xx0232@1)friends never part. G - Gmaj7 - G - Gmaj7 Verse: ( G - Gmaj7 - G - Em - Am - D - G - Gmaj7 ) Day will break, Stars will fall, And theres always something you forget to say. Dont dismay, True friends never part. Chorus: AmWell (x02210@1)meet again, D (xx0232@1) Trust me my friend, G (320003@1)D/F# (200232@1) EmTheres (022000@1)no harm in goodbye. AmGive (x02210@1)me your glass, DFollow (xx0232@1)your heart, G (320003@1)D/F# (200232@1) EmWipe (022000@1)that tear from your eye. CTime (x32010@1)makes amends, Cm (x3101x@1)Dont be afraid, Bm (x24432@1) Youll not let love pass you by. Bm - A#m - Am Remember this DTrue (xx0232@1)friends never part. Learn to play "Jerry Fish" with online video lessons UG plus: remove banner comments We did not receive enough feedback on this tab! Please rate: print report bad tab 1 2 3 4 5 I want to post comment or correction [tab] guest You may want to rate the tab now too: select rating Please do not post tabs as comments. 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