a salute to one of the best guitarests ever MAIN RIFF I----------------------------------------- I----------------------------------------- for this part it dosnt I------X-X-X-X-7--7-X-9--9-X-X-X-X-7--7--- matter too much if your I-7--7-X-X-X-X-7--7-X-9--9-X-X-X-X-7--7--- guitar is slightly out of I-7--7-X-X-X-X-5--5-X-7--7-X-X-X-X-5--5--- tune. I-5--5-X-X-X-X---------------------------- I'm not too sure about these next 2 bits but its more than the other tabs for this song give you I---------- I---------- I-7---9---- I-7-7-9-7-- I-5-7-7-7-- I---5---5-- I---------- I---------- I-7---7---- I-7-7-7-7-- I-5-7-5-7-- I---5---5-- X2 this bit sounds right when i play it but if you dont think so then... you do better! I---------------- I---------------- I-7/16--7/167--- I-7/16--7/167--- I-5/14--5/145--- I---------------- then you just play the main riff until the end ... howdy