Tabbed (Chorded? is that a word?) by Jeffrey Chupp - 12:47 AM 12/3/2001 Easy easy song... Drop D tuning (didnt tell me until the end ^_^) Intro: Strum a clean A over and over... Verse One: (still on A ) D When you're on, I swear you're on. A You rip my heart right out. You rip my heart right out. D I think the whole room can hear me clear my throat. A You rip my heart right out. You rip my heart right out. Chorus: G A D B If you still care at all, don't go, tell me now. G A D If you love me at all, don't call. Verse Two: (still on D ) Then out of nowhere, put me right back there. A You rip my heart out, you rip my heart right out. D And we know what happens when we get to your house. A You rip my heart out, you'll rip my heart right out. Chorus: G A D B If you still care at all, don't go, tell me now. G A D B If you love me at all, please don't, tell me now. G A D B If you still care at all, don't go, tell me now. G A D If you love me at all, don't call. Bridge: G Em D G X2 (still on G ) Em G I throw away everything I've written you. Em G Em Oh anything just keep my mind from thinking how I've had you once. G Oh, I can't forget that. Em G Sometimes I wish I could lose you again. Verse Three: D You're winning me over with everything you say. A You rip my heart right out. You rip my heart right out. D When I let you closer, I only want you closer. A You rip my heart right out. You rip my heart right out. Chorus: G A D B If you still care at all, don't go, tell me now. G A D B If you love me at all, please don't, tell me now. G A D B If you still care at all, don't go, tell me now. G A D B If you love me at all, don't call. (repeat as desired... end on D or fade out if you can...)