• Song:

    Royal Telephone

  • Artist:

    Jimmy Little

R O Y A L   T E L E P H O N E  +

G                                 D
Telephone to glory, oh what joy divine! 
I can feel the current moving on the line.
Made by "God the Father" for his very own.
                G              D         G
You may talk to Jesus on this "Royal Telephone".

G                                   D
Central's never busy, always on the line.
You can hear from heaven almost any time.
'Tis a royal sevice, built for one and all.
                G                  D            G
When you get in trouble, give this royal line a call.

G                                 D
Telephone to glory, oh what joy divine! 
I can feel the current moving on the line.
Made by "God the Father" for his very own.
                G              D         G
You may talk to Jesus on this "Royal Telephone".

G                                      D
There will be no charges, telephone is free.
It is built for service just for you and me.
There will be no waiting on this "Royal Line".
             G            D               G
Telephone to glory always answers just in time.

G                                 D
Telephone to glory, oh what joy divine! 
I can feel the current moving on the line.
Made by "God the Father" for his very own.
                G              D         G
You may talk to Jesus on this "Royal Telephone".

G                                 D
Telephone to glory, oh what joy divine! 
I can feel the current moving down the line.
Made by "God the Father" for his very own.
                G                   D         G
You may talk to Jesus through this "Royal Telephone".

+ 3 Verses. 

 G                                            D
Fail to get the answer, Satan's crossed your wire.
By some strong delusion or some base desire.
Take away obstuctions, God is on the throne.
                    G                   D         G
And you'll get your answer through this royal telephone.

G                                         D
If your line is grounded and connection's true.
Has been lost with Jesus, tell you what to do.
Prayer and faith and promise mend the broken wire.
                  G                 D           G
Till your soul is burning with that Pentecostal fire.

G                                 D
Carnal combinations cannot get control.
Of this line to glory, anchored in the soul.
Storm and trial cannot disconnect the line.
                 G               D               G
Held in constant keeping by the "Fathers" hand divine.

I have heard it sung with these before, I prefer Jimmy's version but I 

add the other verses for posterity. Comments, corrections and/or rating 

appreciated. Enjoy!   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7DqNqh9jQ8
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